Fake Profile summary and ending explained

Netflix’s Fake Profile follows a cabaret dancer matching with the perfect man on a dating app. When the brief time of bliss passes, she learns most of what she knew of her prince perfect was fake.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot Summary

Fake Profile begins with Camila Ramón, a cabaret dancer at the Golden Lips Club in Las Vegas. She matches up with a hot guy named Fernando Castell on a dating app, and his profile says he’s a plastic surgeon.

The two hit it off before they even meet, and when they do, the sexual chemistry is off the charts and through the root. Four months into their dating, they share blissful times and Fernando accepts the fact that Camila is not a nurse but a dancer, which she eventually revealed to him.

However, right before he has to meet Camila’s best friends, he disappears, only to later call to tell her that he’s out because of her sister being hospitalized. Things don’t add up and Camila is driven to find the truth, for which she heads off to Cartagena, Colombia.

She finds out that Fernando used a fake profile and his real name is Miguel Estévez, and he has a wife and two children. Determined to learn the truth, she stays and employs the driver David who took her from the airport to where Miguel lives to pretend to be her husband.

She becomes Miguel’s neighbor and continues to covertly dig into his family and past. Meanwhile, a mistake and she hooks up with him again, which his son ends up witnessing via the security cameras he installs inside her house. Miguel’s wife Ángela also learns about it and the son Lucas gets hospitalized as a result of self-harm.

Miguel’s marriage and family are in tatters as Camila’s life also becomes endangered. Meanwhile, Ángela’s father Pedro Ferrer continues to enact his grand plan from the shadows that include his daughter’s marriage and his son Adrían’s romantic life with fiancé Cristóbal.

The plan is eventually revealed but Ángela has a hard time coming to terms with her father’s truth. At the same time, her patience with Camila and Miguel runs out, leading to Camila and Miguel both experiencing near-death. They return, however, to reveal Pedro’s truth and enact justice, but Ángela opens fire, leading to Camila getting terribly injured and Pedro dying.

Meanwhile, the shocking truth about Cristóbal is revealed to Adrían after their relationship is broken off as a result of Pedro’s schemes. That’s the point where Fake Profile concludes its first season.

Fake Profile ending explained in detail:

What is Pedro’s plan?

Pedro Ferrer is the owner of the Ferrer Barragán Group, the biggest name in the real estate world of Latin America. He has fame, fortune, and just about everything but time. A tumor in his brain means he has just three months’ worth of time.

Before his death arrives, he wishes to save whatever is left of his legacy so that it can continue after he’s gone. To preserve and sustain his legacy, he wishes to weed out the outsiders who marr his legacy — Miguel and Cristóbal.

He thinks quite low of them and wishes his son and daughter to have nothing to do with them. His plan includes the destruction of Miguel and Ángela’s marriage and splitting up Adrían and Cristóbal.

He works with his assistant Tina to set up security cameras all over the Riviera Esmeralda Residential Complex to spy on Miguel and Camila rekindling their relationship and him falling in love with her, a task he pays Camila for.

Meanwhile, he hired Inti to seduce and drive a wedge between Adrían and Cristóbal, which he does by seducing Adrían and manipulating him to distrust his fiancé by planting fake evidence of his unfaithfulness.

Camila does his bidding by making Miguel fall in love with him but she’s following her own desires and plans as well. She needs the money Pedro offers to free her mother from jail later on, but before that she has to ensure that Miguel divorces Ángela and disappears, staying as far from his children as possible.

However, his plans don’t pan out as he intended. Camila goes off script and confesses to Ángela what happened between her and Miguel in Las Vegas.

However, that went very wrong as well, for Ángela ended up attacking Camila and supposedly killing her, but Camila survived and later joined hands with Miguel, who also survived the car crash Ángela contributed in, to confront her again in a deadly standoff.

This stand-off, where Ángela shoots at Miguel and Camila, also leads to Pedro catching a bullet and dying in the last episode of Fake Profile.

Who is Cristóbal?

Cristóbal Balboa is the manager at Riviera Esmeralda Residential Complex and Adrían’s fiancé. The two have been in a relationship for five years and after Cris proposes, they have but a few months till their marriage.

However, Adrían’s father Pedro Ferrer wants them to split up. It’s not clear at first as to why Pedro wants to get rid of Cristóbal so badly. With Miguel, it’s understandable because he is a serial promiscuous cheater.

However, Cristóbal truly loves Adrían and even tries his best to find time for each other but the latter can’t, citing the work and father to be the reasons they can’t vacation or go on their honeymoon sooner. Meanwhile, Inti, a waiter at their restaurant, shares a history with Cris and now works as Pedro’s dog to get the couple to separate.

He seduces Adrían who can’t help but give in to his sexual appeal and charms. Cris tries to tolerate and even bring Inti into the sexual dynamic between him and Adrían. However, Inti actively works to sow seeds of distrust inside Adrían’s mind. He convinces him, without saying or suggesting, that Cris still continues to be a drug addict and works as a pornstar to finance drug use.

Cris goes his way and Adrían has to tearfully break things off with him. Meanwhile, Inti tries to be with him and develop his relationship with him, but Adrían is not ready. He rejects him too, and Inti is angered by it, promising to hurt him later on.

At the end of Fake Profile, Miguel and Camila confront Ángela again and reveal to her while Adrían overhears. They reveal that Cristóbal is actually their brother. He talks about how for some time during Ángela’s childhood, her mother Carolina Barragán left home.

She did so because she fell in love with a man named Walter Balboa, and had a kid with him, Cristóbal Balboa. This is the reason why Pedro has been so eager to get rid of him.

What happens to Ángela?

When Ángela sees what Miguel’s actions have done to Lucas, she finally decides to divorce him. Meanwhile, he catches up to his marriage and family falling apart being a result of Pedro’s machinations.

He tries to tell her that but she won’t hear any of it, albeit her own efforts lead her to start believing it. Camila meets her after she’s tasked with taking Miguel away from his family forever, finally confessing to her that this has all been Pedro’s giant plan. However, Ángela is fed up with her by that time and tries to drown her in the pool.

Camila fights back and stabs her in the back with a knife. Ángela continues her attacks and Camila ends up falling head-first to a rock and falling unconscious. Ángela presumes her death and later asks Miguel to dump her body into the ocean.

He comes and looks at her body, sees her breathing and alive, and later instead of throwing her to the ocean, leaves her at an abandoned house while he goes and takes care of the children and distracts Ángela. He later takes Ángela to the police to confess what she did to Camila or he’ll end up getting blamed for it by Pedro.

However, Ángela protests and rotates the steering wheel, causing the car to flip. She gets out of the car with some wounds while Miguel can’t. Moments later, the car explodes and in the meantime, she does nothing to save Miguel. While they all have a funeral for him thinking he’s dead, he actually survives.

Meanwhile, Camila is found by Tina at the house where she ties her up and leaves to die of starvation. However, Camila ends up freeing herself and calls David, who comes and takes her away, while telling her what happened to Miguel, who she does end up joining hands with, and at the Fake Profile finale, she breaks into her room with Miguel.

Meanwhile, Miguel calls the police on Ángela, who picks up a gun and shoots at Camila and Miguel, but the two lovers only get injured while Pedro dies. Ángela is ultimately arrested and in custody, she sits beside Adrían, promising him that she’ll keep Pedro’s memory alive and fix it all as soon as she’s released.

What happens to Camila?

Camila and Miguel suffer severe injuries after the culmination of events and build-ups in Ángela’s room after his funeral. However, Fake Profile ends with Camila being helped by David in her physical therapy sessions, learning to work those leg muscles and walk again.

She kisses David multiple times and later he attends her show at Golden Lips, signifying they’re in a relationship. However, it seems that she and Miguel still share a lot of their sexual chemistry and she still vies for him. They share glances and stares multiple times and Miguel also attends her show at the club.

Meanwhile, the money she got working for Pedro helps her bail her mother out of jail as well.

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