Acapulco season 3 summary and ending explained

Acapulco season 3 follows Maximo as he continues to rise within Las Colinas and progresses in his personal life too. The series is streaming on Apple TV+.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary:

In the present day, Maximo and Hugo visit Maximo’s estranged daughter Paloma. He wants to apologize for not being in her life as much as he would have liked.

While he’s there, he continues his story in Las Colinas in the year 1985. He’s now Don Pablo’s assistant and in a relationship with Julia.

His new responsibilities take some getting used to and he has to set new boundaries between him and the other employees.

Ricardo Vera’s brother Alejandro arrives to look at the hotel and assess the new investment under his control, something Diane isn’t too thrilled by.

Diane misses Chad and steals Maximo away for Mother’s Day to fill the void in her life. Chad eventually returns as a mostly changed man looking to find his place in the hotel.

Sara meets a cute girl and also gets into debating thanks to Esteban. Memo wants to marry Lorena but he cannot build up the courage to do it.

Hector is dealing with the heartbreak of breaking up with Diane but he hasn’t given up on getting her back.

Nora is looking for a purpose in life after Esteban takes over most of the duties at home and her children don’t require her help as much.

She finds comfort in a jazzercise class taken by Diane as it allows her to be free. Maximo finds out that Don Pablo keeps a ledger with dirt on many of their high-profile guests.

He also realizes that if he wants to take over, he will have to make many difficult decisions and bend his conscience.

Chad works his way up at the hotel, trying out every single job and getting to know all of the employees better.

Alejandro wants to make some changes to the hotel and when a spot opens up, Julia suggests opening a shop for her dresses.

During one event, Memo’s sister Dulce joins the staff temporarily but she excels at her job and rises through the ranks very quickly.

It becomes clear that she is going after Maximo’s spot and they begin competing for Don Pablo and Diane’s favor.

Sara has a chance to spend time with her new friend and Maximo is given the task of learning more about Alejandro Vera.

He is focused on helping Julia so Dulce steps in and gets the information that puts her ahead.

Alejandro makes constant attempts to woo Diane and she appears into it at first but eventually, she realizes that she isn’t over Hector yet.

Maximo tries to take Dulce down but he uses Memo to get one over her and his best friend is disappointed.

He later feels threatened by Dulce’s rise and decides to curry favor with his other boss, Alejandro instead.

However, he mentions the “book of secrets” which intrigues Alejandro and Maximo realizes that he messed up.

During a hurricane, Maximo focuses on being with Julia rather than work. Alejandro finds out about Diane and Hector and gets jealous.

He has the “book of secrets” stolen and when Don Pablo asks Maximo who could be responsible, Maximo denies knowing anything about it.

In the present day, after convincing Paloma to show up for Don Pablo’s funeral, Maximo heads to Las Colinas and sees how unrecognizable it has become.

He meets Hector and they reminisce about the old days. He has Joe check if Julia has checked into the hotel but there is no record of her being there.

Ending explained:

Making up for his mistake

Maximo goes to Alejandro and asks him to return the book but Alejandro tells him that that’s not happening.

Maximo tells Julia and Memo what happened and together they plan a way to get the book back but before they can do anything, Don Pablo stops them.

He tells them that Alejandro has already used the book to push Diane out as the head of the hotel.

The future of the hotel

Chad rises to the position of general manager and Diane tells him to stay on so that he can be her man on the inside.

She announces in front of the whole staff that she’s leaving and also reveals that she and Hector are together.

Julia tells Maximo that he cannot consider working for Alejandro after knowing what he did. Don Pablo walks away without any regrets and tells Maximo that he’s okay with what he did.

Maximo wants to take the moral high ground, but when Alejandro tells Maximo’s family that he is taking Don Pablo’s place, Maximo goes along with it.

His relationship with Julia sours because of that. He does keep Dulce as his assistant because she has a ruthless streak required for the business.

A second chance

At Don Pablo’s funeral, Maximo gives a heartfelt speech and then finally meets Julia again. He asks her out to dinner and then continues telling his story to Hugo and the rest of the staff.

Maximo and Julia have a nice time at dinner together but when he gets interrupted by a work call, she says goodbye and thanks him for the time they shared.

The next morning, Maximo learns that Julia has already left and rushes out to find her. When he finds out that she hasn’t left yet, he rushes back to the hotel.

He tells her that he has bought Las Colinas and he wants to return it to it’s former glory with her by his side.

Also Read: Rising Impact summary and ending explained

Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem is an editor for The Envoy Web and an avid fan of films and shows. He has spent a significant amount of time taking in all kinds of genres and has a particular interest in the sci-fi and fantasy realms including series like Doctor Who, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Young Justice among others.

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