In AlRawabi School for Girls season 2, Sarah’s efforts to become popular as an influencer and get noticed at school take her on a dreadful path. The second season is now streaming on Netflix.
Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers
Plot summary
Sarah has been improving her social media game during the summer holidays, hoping to get noticed at school and make new friends.
Once she boards the school bus for the first day, she realizes her efforts haven’t paid off. She is still invisible to everyone.
Sarah is among many girls at AlRawabi who go above and beyond to strengthen their social media presence, seeking that one minute of fame.
Sarah, on her side, desires to be like Tasneem, the school’s beauty queen. Besides her attractive appearance, Tasneem is well-liked, intelligent, and excels academically.
Sarah is ready to do anything to be in Tasneem’s good books or collaborate with her someday so that she can elevate her status.
Sarah’s best friend, Nadeen, thinks otherwise. Nadeen is fine with her current status and has no interest in showcasing a fake lifestyle to the world.
Tasneem and her best friend, Hiba, take advantage of Sarah’s eagerness to be friends with them. While Tasneem does so by pretending to be nice to her, Hiba straight-up bullies her.
Farida Alahmad is the school’s new head teacher and is here to make some important changes. In fact, she is willing to let students express themselves and fulfill their wishes if they make sense for their well-being.
While she listens to them, there is something she expects from the students as well. She instructs the students to work on a project that reflects them and their passion and present it at end-of-term celebrations.
Sarah’s attempts to mingle with Tasneem’s group continue. Even Nadeen agrees to join her at the place where Tasneem’s group is hanging out.
It’s there that Tasneem and Hiba make Sarah realize that she can never be part of their group or be liked by athletic boys like Ali and Omar.
A heartbroken Sarah watches Tasneem and Hiba’s stories online. Tired of being treated as if she doesn’t exist, Sarah comes up with a video on the types of girls at school.
In the video, she is taking shots at girls like Tasneem, Hiba, and even her best friend, Nadeen, who always seem to over-analyze her character.
The video is a hit. Overnight, Sarah becomes a sensation, and her dream of being noticed comes true when everyone at AlRawabi approaches her the next day, wanting to be her friend.
The popularity of Sarah encourages Tasneem to become friends with her. Hiba and Tasneem’s friendship is hurt because of this bond, much like how Sarah and Nadeen’s bond is hurt.
Amidst all of this, Shams, Omar’s sister, who is an aspiring filmmaker, is making a documentary for the end-of-term event. Her topic is Sarah. She aims to document her downfall, which she believes is imminent.
Nadeen fails to convince Sarah that Tasneem is friends with her because of her popularity. Sarah instead defends Tasneem and fights her best friend, prompting Nadeen to give Shams information on Sarah that will help her with her documentary.
Nadeen later regrets this move when she realizes how far Shams can go after finding out that she installed surveillance cameras all over the school for her documentary.
Anyhow, Shams is going to record everything she can about Sarah and the lives of the AlRawabi girls.
Meanwhile, Sarah, driven by the need to fit in with groups of people like Tasneem, requires money to buy clothes that suit the events she attends.
To make that sort of money, Sarah isn’t patient enough to wait for some brand to approach her. She instead replies to a creep texting her who is ready to pay her in exchange for pictures of her feet.
The same person keeps asking for more after their first exchange. The person has her home address and her mother’s number. He threatens her with that and asks for a private video, which a scared Sarah sends.
Following that, the person demands that they meet and threatens to leak her video if she doesn’t.
Ms. Abeer, who is still haunted by the death of Layan, helps Sarah. She contacts a detective and settles this matter.
However, Sarah’s brother, Jawad, sees Sarah’s chats and video. He forwards them to his phone. At his boys’ school, he thinks of calling this blackmailer, unaware that the matter has been taken care of.
The phone is out of service. One of the students peeps into Jawad’s phone, grabs his phone, and forwards Sarah’s video onto his phone.
Sarah’s video is not only shared on TikTok, but both Sarah and her brother, Jawad, are bullied at their schools. While the entire school corners Sarah, Jawad fights back by stabbing his bully.
At a time like this, everyone—Sarah’s family, her friends, and Ali, who had a fling with her—abandons, disowns, or is harsh to her.
Nadeen suspects Shams is behind Sarah’s leaked video. Eventually, Jawad confesses to Sarah that he is responsible for her leaked video.
Sarah forgives her brother, but cops knock on their door to arrest Jawad for stabbing a student. Jawad will be spending at least 10 months in prison.
Ending explained:
Tasneem and Nadeen come together
Tasneem stopped talking to Sarah after this whole debacle. It’s her cousin, Farah, who makes her realize how she has treated people and how it has hurt them.
Tasneem herself is suffering from the pressure of trying to be perfect because of her mother. When it reaches a point where she can’t handle it, she goes to her old friend, Nadeen.
Shams has continued to work on the film on Sarah, and Nadeen doesn’t want her best friend to get hurt more.
With the help of Omar, Tasneem and Nadeen break into Shams’ room and delete the film she has made about Sarah.
Shams presents her documentary
At a special event at AlRawabi, the students present the projects they have worked on the entire term. Shams presents her documentary, as she had a backup.
The documentary, apart from being about Sarah, is also about the horrors of social media. Nadeen plans to stop the documentary midway, but it turns out that Sarah herself has given an interview for it after everything that has happened to her.
The documentary mentions how people fall for the perfect personalities online and try to replicate the lives of those personalities for themselves because they want to feel like they exist.
It exposes that not even girls like Tasneema and Hiba have perfect lives. Tasneema is suffering from an eating disorder because of the pressure of being perfect, while Hiba is seen missing the presence of her best friend.
After Sarah’s introduction, when her video comes in, the authorities stop the documentary midway.
Head Teacher Farida Alahmad promises to take action against this documentary and Shams, as there has been a breach of privacy while shooting this.
However, she acknowledges that this documentary is shedding light on an important issue. Hence, she is not going to stop Shams from continuing.
Sarah’s speech
Sarah hints that she wants to take the stage, and Farida allows her to do so. Sarah expresses that she agreed to share her side of the story and these images because she doesn’t want another Sarah like her to suffer.
Sarah claims that there must be another girl who has felt just like she did at the start of school and is trying to fit into the lives of people she watches online.
She doesn’t want that girl to think that she is not good enough. She wants to tell her that she is not alone.
Sarah fell for everything she saw online in an attempt to be like the girls she admired, unaware that these same girls are also struggling in real life. She wished to know that they were suffering too.
Sarah claims that if she had a chance to do this all over again, she would look around her and realize that she is not alone and that all the things she wanted were not real because she already had everything she needed.
Sarah’s speech leaves an impact. She receives a standing ovation from some of those who have attended the event.
Farah’s death
When Sarah had become popular, it was Farah, Tasneema’s cousin, who had become the new Sarah, always trying to fit in and join Tasneema’s group.
Farah eventually received a chance to take center stage when Tasneema allowed her to become one of the leads for their performance at the special event.
However, Hiba and the other girls denied having her as the lead. The majority was against Tasneema. Hence, she wasn’t able to do anything.
Hiba noticed Farah’s talent, but she told Farah that she lacked the looks and the image to be the lead.
During the presentation of Shams’ documentary, Farah leaves midway after seeing her embarrassing videos in it. Since she doesn’t finish the documentary, she never learns the purpose of it.
She cries in the washroom and stares at her reflection. During Sarah’s speech, Hiba goes looking for Farah and finds her lying in the washroom, bleeding.
A dream sequence shows what could have been Farah’s performance at the event, with everyone enjoying it and cheering for her.
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