Thank You, Next summary and ending explained

Thank You, Next revolves around Leyla’s relationships as she starts dating again after breaking up with her long-term boyfriend. The series is streaming on Netflix.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary

Leyla is a lawyer who breaks up with her boyfriend, Ömer, after he cheats on her. Leyla dated Ömer for seven years.

On a vacation with her friends, Leyla hooks up with a chef named Feyyaz. After they both return home, they start going on dates. 

Leyla feels confused about her relationship with Feyyaz because he acts hot and cold, showing interest one moment and then seeming distant the next.

Feyyaz later tells Leyla that he is currently not ready to date anyone, as he is still trying to recover from his recent breakup.

Meanwhile, Ömer wants to give his and Leyla’s relationship another chance, but Leyla cannot get over the fact that Ömer cheated on her. 

Ömer insists that he only slept with someone else after the two of them fought and Leyla broke up with him, but Leyla does not accept his excuses.

Leyla’s friend, Sarp, accidentally sends a message to the wrong group chat, and Ömer is hurt when he learns that Leyla is dating other people now. 

At work, Leyla is given the divorce case of a woman named Tuba Tepelioglu, the third wife of an entrepreneur, Cem Murathan. 

Leyla and Cem get off on the wrong foot, and Leyla comes to believe Tuba’s claim that Cem is having an affair with his first wife, Defne, who still works with him. 

Ömer is involved in Cem’s hotel project alongside Defne. She suspects that Ömer is doing this out of spite towards her.

Despite everything, it is difficult for her to move on from Ömer. She misses him, especially when she is alone at home. 

Similarly, Ömer struggles to move on. Eventually, he also starts dating Balim, the woman with whom he cheated on Leyla.

Over time, Leyla and Ömer, who share custody of their dog, stop being hostile and become friends; their meetings no longer end in fights.

After much difficulty, Tuba agrees to divorce Cem, and Leyla finds herself attracted to Cem, who seems to feel the same way about her.

Leyla runs into Cem here and there, but due to various reasons, nothing happens between them.

Leyla still does not know the nature of Cem and Defne’s relationship, and Cem avoids answering her questions on that subject. 

However, he does tell her that he is not involved with Defne, but the fact that his last two marriages ended because of his relationship with Defne makes it hard for Leyla to believe him.

Soon after, Cem’s lawyer, Beliz, who is now married to Sarp, joins Leyla’s firm, which means Leyla’s firm will be representing Cem from now on.

Cem also hires Feyyaz to work at his new hotel. Now that Leyla works with Cem and Feyyaz, she keeps meeting them frequently.

Leyla is quick to reject Feyyaz’s advances. She also tries to keep her distance from Cem, fearing that if she pursues a relationship with him, it will end like his previous marriages.

Ömer then tells her that he broke up with Balim. Since Ömer and Leyla are close friends again, Ömer asks her to come to the hotel’s opening night.

There, Leyla ends up kissing Cem and takes him home with her against her better judgment. The next morning, she finds him gone without a trace.

At her uncle’s birthday party, she meets Cem again and he tries to address the fact that Leyla was hurt when he left without saying goodbye.

Leyla, claiming that it was just a fling and that she does not care about him, shuts down his attempts to talk to her.

Leyla then discovers that her parents’ relationship is nothing like she had imagined. She used to believe that her father loved her mother unconditionally.

The illusion of the perfect couple is shattered when she learns that her parents had their fair share of problems, including her father cheating on her mother.

Despite their difficulties, her parents were able to overcome their issues because they loved each other despite their flaws, and their love proved to be stronger than the mistakes they made.

This revelation gives Leyla a new perspective on her relationship with Ömer. She writes him a letter, admitting her own shortcomings and expressing her desire not to lose him.

Leyla lets Ömer know how precious he is to her, which leads to them getting back together.

Ömer later explains that he was unhappy when they were together, not because of Leyla, but because he was going through a tough time in life. 

He withdrew from Leyla, and they grew distant. During a camping trip with friends, he met Balim. Leyla assumed he was cheating on her and broke up with him. 

Following Ömer and Leyla’s breakup, Ömer and Balim consoled each other about their failed relationships and ended up sleeping together.

On the other hand, when Ömer asks Leyla if anything happened between her and Cem, she lies to him, unaware that he had seen her kissing Cem at the hotel’s opening.

Now, Leyla and Ömer are ready to move on from the past. They are happy together, but Leyla still feels that something is missing.

Although she remains friends with Feyyaz, who is now dating Defne, she convinces herself that Cem is a narcissist and keeps her distance from him.

Ömer is now doing well in his professional life. He buys a new, bigger house for himself but does not ask Leyla to move in with him, which bothers her.

Before they broke up, Leyla and Ömer dated for seven years and were engaged. Leyla wants to pick up where they left off.

This time around, Ömer is more understanding and is a better boyfriend than he used to be, but he has yet to hint that he wants her to move in with him or marry him.

After Ömer throws her a wonderful birthday party at his house, Leyla talks to him about the issues that have been bothering her.

It turns out that Ömer not only had plans to ask her to move in with him but also to propose to her. Ömer and Leyla get engaged again.

They will be marrying very soon, but Leyla still cannot stop thinking about Cem. She constantly feels uneasy and anxious.

Ending explained:

Cem and Defne’s relationship

Right before the wedding, Ömer travels to Dubai for work. During this time, Feyyaz contacts Leyla and tells her that he overheard Defne speaking to Cem.

Defne told Cem and his family about her pregnancy before she told Feyyaz, which makes Feyyaz think that the baby is Cem’s.

Leyla attends a golf tournament to support Feyyaz. There, she meets Cem and his mother, who tells Leyla about Cem and Defne’s past.

When Cem and Defne were married, a pregnant Defne got into an accident with Cem’s brother. Defne miscarried, and Cem’s brother passed away.

Defne then divorced Cem because they could not recover from the tragedy; being around each other reminded them of what they had lost.

Cem lost everything after the accident, but he and Defne remained close because they considered each other family, which is why Defne told him and his mother about her pregnancy.

Cem never told his ex-wives or anyone about why Defne is still in his life, so his wives started believing that he was cheating on them, which ended his two marriages.

Now that Leyla knows what Cem has been hiding and why his previous marriages ended, she no longer thinks the worst of him. However, as she is engaged to Ömer, it is too late for her and Cem.

Ömer’s lies

Two days before the wedding, when Leyla takes her dog out for a walk and the dog gets into an accident, she rushes him to the vet, where she meets Balim.

While Leyla no longer holds bitterness towards Balim, she is taken aback to learn that Balim was dating Ömer for two years during the period when Leyla and Ömer were not together.

Ömer had led Leyla to believe that he was only occasionally with Balim during those two years. Realizing that Ömer lied, Leyla decides to go out with Balim for drinks.

As they talk, a drunk Balim reveals everything about how Ömer sought comfort from her every time he was hurt because of Leyla. 

Leyla finds out that Ömer had only recently broken up with Balim; he was still dating Balim after he got back together with Leyla. 

In fact, just a few days before Leyla’s birthday, Ömer threw Balim the same kind of party he threw for Leyla and surprised her in the same way.

Leyla also learns that Ömer had witnessed her kissing Cem, and he knew that Leyla lied to him about it. Balim was Ömer’s backup in case Leyla broke up with him again.

Confronting Cem

After learning about Ömer’s lies, Leyla feels cheated once again. At her bachelorette party, Leyla hears from Defne the reason why Cem left after sleeping with her.

Ömer sent Cem pictures of himself and Leyla together, claiming they were a couple, which led Cem to leave Leyla without an explanation.

Leyla tries to contact Cem but fails. Confused, upset, and drunk, Leyla goes to Cem’s hotel room after she comes to know that Cem has come for the wedding.

She questions Cem about why he left her and calls him a coward for not staying to talk to her after receiving Ömer’s message.

Cem puts Leyla to sleep and spends the entire night thinking about her words. The next morning, Leyla panics and leaves, ignoring Cem’s pleas to hear him out.

It turns out that Cem left not only because he received Ömer’s message but also because Leyla called out Ömer’s name in her sleep.

Ömer’s parents see Leyla leaving Cem’s bedroom and inform Ömer, leading him to believe that Leyla cheated on him.

New revelations and Leyla’s decision

While Leyla reflects on everything that has happened, Sarp tells her that he sent her a message last night when he was drunk.

Sarp confesses that he used to be in love with Leyla, who ended up dating Ömer. Sarp eventually came to terms with his feelings. 

He then decided to do everything in his power not to let anyone come between Ömer and Leyla. He was the one who sent those pictures from Ömer’s phone to Cem.

Then, last night, he saw Ömer with Balim and got upset. As a result, he ended up sending a video to Leyla, revealing everything.

Feeling betrayed not just by Ömer but also by Sarp, who ruined her chances of being with Cem, Leyla decides to call off the wedding.

Just then, Ömer arrives and creates a scene. However, he stops accusing her of lying and cheating when she confronts him about his relationship with Balim.

Cem also arrives there. As a smiling Leyla walks away, ending her relationship with Ömer for good, Cem tells her that he is not going to give up on them.

Also Read: Bodkin summary and ending explained

Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan is an editor at The Envoy Web. Her name translates to smile in English, but she likes shows and films that do anything but make you smile. She believes that analyzing and interpreting the tiny little things on-screen can reveal a story that is not visible to everyone, a story of your own.

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