Ruby’s father’s condition in Maxton Hall explained

Ruby’s father is disabled and she has been blaming herself for his condition ever since it happened.

Ruby’s father is confined to a wheelchair and the government installed a chairlift in their house so that he could make it to the second floor.

It stopped working within a year and Ruby has been saving up her earnings to get a new one installed in their house.

Despite his situation, he has maintained a positive outlook and is happy with his life. He and Ruby get along very well and the entire family is quite satisfied.

Ruby's father's condition in Maxton Hall explained 1
She dreamt of replacing her father’s chairlift

A heavy burden

During a party, Ruby is thrown into the pool by one of the guys but when she doesn’t emerge immediately, James jumps in to rescue her.

He carries her out as she suffers from shock and he takes her home. She explains that when she was younger, she went on a boat ride with her father.

When her favorite stuffed toy fell into the water, she tried to get it and fell in. Her father jumped in after but he was struck by another boat sailing nearby.

This left him paralyzed from the leg down and Ruby blamed herself for it. When she returns from school early one day, she finds her father in the kitchen crying by himself.

It was one of his few low moments as he struggled to pick up something that he had dropped on the floor.

Ruby’s parents find the money she was saving and they tell her that she doesn’t need to take on that responsibility but she disagrees and argues with them.

They smooth things over eventually and buy a new chair lift later on so that her father can once again go to the upper floor of their house.

Also Read: Lydia Beaufort: Maxton Hall: The World Between Us character explained

Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem is an editor for The Envoy Web and an avid fan of films and shows. He has spent a significant amount of time taking in all kinds of genres and has a particular interest in the sci-fi and fantasy realms including series like Doctor Who, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Young Justice among others.

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