Good Morning, Veronica season 3 summary and ending explained

Season 3 of Good Morning, Veronica follows the titular protagonist going after the mysterious Doum and the Order of Faith. The series is streaming on Netflix.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary:

Veronica seeks out the orphanage where Matias and Brandao were raised but finds a closed-off building.

She runs into a procession of followers of the Order of Faith when some men recognize and go after her.

She runs into a church and is pulled to safety by a man named Jeronimo. She asks him for help getting into the orphanage and he shows her a back entrance.

He tells her that she will not find anything there, but adds that he has some information about the orphanage and the Monsignor’s crimes back at his farm.

Veronica checks in with Gloria and then heads out with Jeronimo. He takes her back to his expansive horse ranch where he breeds and sells horses.

She meets Jeronimo’s mother, Diana, who isn’t thrilled at the mention of the orphanage. Jeronimo tells Veronica that his mother grew up there and was raped by the Monsignor.

There is also a pregnant servant that Jeronimo addresses as ‘Girl’.

He takes Veronica to the stables and mentions the upcoming auction before demonstrating how he breaks in a horse.

His display enamors her and the two of them end up making love. Veronica learns that the Monsignor trafficked babies from the orphanage and researches into it.

The same men who went after her at the procession break into her hotel room but she manages to escape.

She goes back to Prata’s place and meets Gloria. She finds out that Jeronimo is a rich horse rancher with no criminal record who keeps out of the spotlight.

Veronica meets one of the trafficked children of the Monsignor who is making a documentary about the ring.

She says that the children found each other because they are all marked with a horseshoe tattoo on the back of their neck.

Veronica shows the woman the old picture of Matias, Brandao, and Doum and asks if she knows who the third person is but the woman says she’ll have to check with her siblings.

Angela and Gisele are living somewhere safe but Gisele is still worried about Matias. Angela goes out with Carol on a date and Gisele gives her a can of pepper spray.

When Angela pops into the washroom, Matias sneaks in to talk to her but she sprays him in the face and calls for help. Gloria arrives and arrests Matias.

Veronica’s family visits her at Prata’s but Lila leaves early to meet some boy she’s been chatting with.

After she leaves, Veronica discovers that it’s a catfish and rushes to find Lila. She also informs Gloria that Matias’ men are after her.

Gloria is shot as some men grab Lila and drive away before Veronica arrives. Veronica visits Matias in prison and asks him to set her daughter free.

He says that he’ll give her back in exchange for a meeting with Angela. She convinces Angela to meet Matias and Carol waits outside the prison for support.

Veronica and Jeronimo are waiting outside when she gets a message of the original picture. It reveals that Jeronimo is the third person, confirming his identity as Duom.

The police show up to pick up Veronica while Jeronimo drives off with Angela and Carol. Veronica is taken to a detention center where one of Jeronimo’s men plans on killing her.

However, Prata sneaks her out of there and offers to help get Lila and Angela back. She mentions the auction that Jeronimo is hosting which is her chance to sneak in.

She snoops around the house and unearths the true nature of the auctions. They sell women and have videos of the buyers as leverage.

She also realizes that Jeronimo and Diana are using some of the women as surrogates for their children, and then selling the babies.

Angela goes out looking for Carol and finds the stable full of young women. Jeronimo captures her and puts her in a stall too.

Veronica sees ‘Girl’ give birth to a child with Diana and Jeronimo’s help before he kills her. He then sneaks up on Veronica and knocks her out.

Matias finds out from Gisele that Jeronimo has Angela so he escapes prison and visits that farm.

Diana asks Matias to use his healing powers and make her fertile, and Jeronimo watches on in disgust.

When Matias finds Angela in the stables, he confronts Jeronimo. He also brings up the fact that they used to make love to each other in the orphanage.

Jeronimo is not pleased and kills Matias. Diana has some doubts about Veronica when Jeronimo mentions that they are very similar.

When she finds out who Veronica’s father is, she gets more paranoid and goes into the stable where Veronica is being held.

She checks the back of her neck and finds a tattoo, establishing that Veronica is also one of the trafficked babies.

Ending explained:

A delusional pair

Diana frees Veronica and takes her out to the forest to kill her. She is worried that Veronica is coming between her and Jeronimo.

Jeronimo catches up and assures Diana that nothing will happen to their bond. He adds that Veronica is her daughter, so she’s the perfect person to carry on the project.

With this distraction, Veronica runs away. She finds a mass grave with ‘Girl’ and Matias’ bodies. She then rushes to the house where she finds a record of the women impregnated.

Her daughter is on that list and she is devastated. She grabs a few vials of Diana’s preserved eggs and heads to the stables where Angela is kept.

Jeronimo shows up with Lila and tells Veronica to give up or watch her daughter die. She has no choice and is once again kept captive.

He tries to convince her that her place is by his side but she has no interest in being his breeding partner.

Women’s uprising

While Jeronimo and Diana are busy arranging the auction for that evening, Veronica reaches out to one of the women in the stables.

Her name is Lais and she was thought to obey by Jeronimo. When ‘Girl’ was killed, her baby was given to Lais.

And Lais was promised that she would be free when she gave birth to her child. Veronica tells her that none of the girls get out.

Since Lais is given the freedom to move around, Veronica says she can free all of them. She hands her some nightshade leaves and tells her to put them in the guards’ food.

When they’re knocked out, Lais rushes to Veronica and gives her back her phone before opening up the other stable doors.

Veronica calls Prata and tells him to call the police. She then rallies the other girls and arms them so that they can fight back against the people trying to buy them.

Free from subjugation

Gisele goes to the farm in search of Angela and calls for an audience with Jeronimo. He takes her in and Diana says she’ll help her find her daughter.

When they get to the stable, Diana is shocked to see it empty. Gisele pulls out a gun and threatens to shoot Diana but Diana pulls out a knife and slashes at Gisele.

They have a short struggle and Gisele stabs Diana. Diana grabs the gun and shoots Gisele in the arm. The two women lie on the floor, barely clinging on for their lives.

Jeronimo starts to get worried as the power goes out, and then Veronica and the other women ride in on horses and attack.

Veronica goes after Jeronimo who grabs the preserved samples and looks for Diana. He finds her in the stables and she gives him the gun.

He turns to shoot but Veronica is quicker. Seeing her son dead, Diana grabs the gun and shoots herself in the head.

A new mission

Veronica’s name is finally cleared after she helped bring down the trafficking ring and provided so much evidence against many other criminals.

She insists that she’s not going back to the police and would rather travel with her children. She gives her support to Lila about getting an abortion because she didn’t get a choice when she was impregnated.

Angela and Carol are under Veronica’s care while Angela’s mother is in a coma at the hospital.

Prata tells Veronica that Julio and Carvana intercepted one of the babies because Julio’s wife lost her second baby and couldn’t bear children anymore.

Veronica sets up an operation with the women who escaped the farm to go after all the people at the auction and ensure they do not do something like that again.

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