Snabba Cash season 2 review: Tonal shift betrays the character arcs

The second season of Snabba Cash continues the story of an ambitious single mother and her brother-in-law who is a drug dealer. The new season chooses a darker and more intriguing storyline but the transition fails to look smooth. 


Leya’s plan to launch her company in the stock market fails when Tomas quits and tells her they are being investigated by the authorities for fraud. 

Zaki expands his drug dealing business and recruits teenagers. He poses a threat to Ravy’s life and his business. Meanwhile, Ravy’s girlfriend is pregnant with his child.

Leya asks for help from Marko and agrees to conduct a drug deal in exchange.  Zaki finds out about the deal and kills Marko. He forces Leya to work for him. Leya turns to Ravy and his friends for help.

When Zaki finds out about Leya and Ravy’s plan, he decides to shoot them once the shipment is delivered putting their lives at risk.


Similar to season 1, the performances by the cast members do not disappoint. Evin Ahmad continues with her charming performance that hooks the audience’s attention.

Dada Fungula Bozela as Ravy maintains the perfect balance of vulnerability and intimidation. 

While Ayaan Ahmad’s performance as Nala is immersing, Khalil Ghazal’s Osman falls short due to his character arc.


Compared to the first season, the show corrects its pacing mistake and focuses equally on Ravy and Leya’s storyline while also setting up the character of Jamal and his students.

The plot takes a dark twist as the characters suffer the consequences of their mistakes. Leya suffers from PTSD after Salim’s death and is forced to accept her new identity after she kills Zaki. Ravy, Osman, and Liban die at the shooting that takes place in the final episode. 

Ravy’s death highlights the result of a life in crime. By subverting the expectations for a happy ending for Ravy, the writers vilify his crimes.


In its attempt to change the tone of the show, the second season disrupts the character arcs and disappoints the fans. The sudden developments in Ravy’s life or Osman’s death felt forced.

While most of its characters suffer grave consequences, Leya somehow gets the easy way out. Leya’s arc and her final conversation with Jamal leave much to be desired for her development in the next season.


Compared to the first season, the show changes the tone and shows the raw consequences of the greed for easy money. The character arcs feel forced at times but the twists and drama still make the season worth a watch. 

Snabba Cash season 2
Snabba Cash season 2 review: Tonal shift betrays the character arcs 1

Director: Jens Lapidus, Jesper Ganslandt, Oskar Söderlund, and Måns Månsson

Date Created: 2022-09-22 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Snabba Cash season 2 ending explained: Did Leya escape Zaki?

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