Redefined: J.R. Smith review: Heartwarming lesson in perseverance and growth

Redefined: J.R. Smith is a docu-series focusing on two-time NBA champion J.R. Smith as he gets ready for a new chapter of his life, going back to school. The series is streaming on Prime Video.


J.R. Smith was a magnificent basketball player when he was at the top of his game, but like most athletes of color, the microscope was always focused on him and the reaction to his flaws was always harsher.

After spending a long time not playing a professional game, J.R. decided to go back to school and prove to himself that he was capable of excelling in academics and isn’t just a dumb jock.

Another reason for his decision was the chance to compete in collegiate golf, which was borne out of his love for the sport. He puts in all of his efforts on the greens and in the classroom as a Freshman in his 30s and provides inspiration to the youngsters around him.


The core message of the series is that of doing your best and showing that it’s never too late to change and evolve in life. J.R. decided he had goals he wanted to pursue despite his status and he set out to achieve them.

The series also chooses to shine a light on his teammates on the golf team, giving you a look at some of the other stories of how people got to where they were and the welcoming family culture at the university J.R. chose to go to.


The section focused on the dispute between the players and the coach of the golf team is a confusing one to have been included as it feels out of place and is awkwardly woven into the series. There’s no clear resolution either and it just sort of exists.

The series does not have much else going for it and isn’t exactly compelling content to watch. It’s a very basic feature of a star athlete making a brave change late on in his life.


Redefined: J.R. Smith is a great story of second chances and how if you can believe in yourself, anything is possible. Despite the wonderful intentions behind it, the series is mostly “cookie cutter” material that doesn’t truly challenge the viewer to fix their eyes on the screen.

Regardless, the fact that J.R. Smith decided to shut out the critics and naysayers in his life and go after something he really wanted is hugely inspirational to anyone watching.

Redefined: J.R. Smith
Redefined: J.R. Smith review: Heartwarming lesson in perseverance and growth 1

Director: Philip Knowlton

Date Created: 2023-04-04 12:30

Editor's Rating:

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