Abbott Elementary season 2 episode 14 recap & review: Valentine’s Day

In Abbott Elementary season 2 episode 14, Jacob inadvertently reveals to Janine that Gregory likes her, while all the other teachers delight in the anticipation of the celebration with their loved ones.


Everyone is bracing for Valentine’s Day. Janine receives a gift she later comes to know is from one of her students, Donnie. The little guy has a crush on his teacher and romantically professes his love to her, in a demeanor hilariously beyond his years.

Meanwhile, she talks about it to Melissa, and when Jacob hears only half of their conservation, he misinterprets Janine’s quandary to her finally learning about Gregory’s crush on her.

His inadvertent babble takes Janine aback as she gets the truth out of him when he catches on to the misunderstanding and tries to tip-toe out of the scene. He tells her that Greg has a crush and is befuddled that Janine never caught on to it.

Janine can’t buy it but when she tries to bring it to the attention of the rest of her circle, they all turn out to be perfectly aware that Janine and Gregory both like each other and don’t know about it.

Janine eventually confronts Gregory and after another misunderstanding-filled conversation between the two, learns that he has been trying to gauge her view on the gift he got for Amber, not on the thing between them that she’s just learned about.

Meanwhile, a parent complains to Ava about how Jacob, a white man, is teaching his son and other black students about black history, and that too during Black History Month. Ava tells him she’ll take a decision only after inspecting the classes herself.

Jacob’s heart revs up out of control every time Ava inspects his classes, sitting at the back and scribbling non-stop. However, later on, when Zach comes to school to surprise Jacob with a date, he learns that Ava’s actually been interested in learning for the first time in a long time.

So much so that she decides to return to school and take night courses. She also decides to let Jacob continue and tells off the complainant. Meanwhile, Barbara sets up a date for her husband at the airport and Melissa grows increasingly worried about Gary being clueless about the oncoming celebration.

At the end of Abbott Elementary season 2 episode 14, Gary ends up surprising Melissa with a gift and his obliviousness turns out to be a deliberate prank.

Meanwhile, Janine is gifted a bag by Maurice, which he’s really obnoxious about, while Gregory gifts Amber a lego set that she finds childish at best, and receives with a sufficient amount of frowns.

Meanwhile, Maurice and Amber are already familiar with each other and seem to be hitting it off rather well, which ends up on a suspicious “jinx” moment before the episode rolls the credits.


  • Abbott Elementary season 2 episode 14 progresses Janine and Gregory’s equation further and while the latter didn’t have an idea of the awkwardness that has stemmed from his inadvertent telltale signs of a crush on Janine, it seems the two are going to get together well before the season ends.
  • Ava’s character development is a delight to see as she’s given more than just the puns and gags she makes with her usual flamboyant self, and reveals a true learning spirit within her.
  • Maurice and Amber might have something going on, and even if they don’t, they’re not going to be having anything going on with their respective partners soon, given the shrieking differences in tastes and proclivities.
  • An imminent split in both parties might give way for Janine and Gregory to start focusing on each other in the coming Abbott Elementary episodes.

Also Read: Who is Kristin Marie? Abbott Elementary character explained

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