Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

‘Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi’ is a crime-thriller docuseries about a cold-blooded killer who murdered individuals and dispersed their parts around Delhi.

Release date

‘Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi’ is set to premiere on July 20 on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Sangramsingh Thakur

Directed by Ayesha Sood

Produced by VICE India


“A cold-blooded murderer carrying a grudge in his heart and angst against the system committed grotesque killings in Delhi. With the police relentlessly trying to decode the serial killing, the diabolical killer left everyone involved perplexed and sent shivers down their spine. The docu-series painstakingly explains the sequence of events that led up to the arrest of this brutal murderer who dismembered his victims and scattered their body parts around the city. What followed the murders was a cat and mouse chase and an urgency for the cops to catch the killer before he claimed his next victim. Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi covers the Delhi Police’s investigation, succession of the case and their race against time to arrest the criminal and understand the rationale behind his actions.”

Other details

Director Ayesha Sood had this to say about making the documentary: “I was truly intrigued because even though I consider myself to be a true-crime nut, and have been a Delhi resident all my life, I had never heard of this story. On researching this case I realized that this is indeed an important story to tell. Our intent with this series was to give the viewers a ring side view to the journey of one of the scariest serial killers in Indian crime.”

Speaking on the challenges faced to make the series, she added: “It was tough to get everyone to come on the record because of the tragic nature of the crimes and most people are wary of documentation or keeping a photographic record of their lives. So, we had to be doubly mindful with our research and ensure that all aspects of the case are being accurately corroborated.”


In the nation’s capital, a serial killer killed individuals, dissected their corpses, and even dumped the bodies at gate no. 3 of Tihar jail. He left a message for the police with the dead victims ridiculing them and urging them to catch him if they can. Some of the people who worked on the case say that they hadn’t witnessed such a horrible act in their many years of service.

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