The Last Movie Stars: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

The Last Movie Stars is a six-part documentary about the lives of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, award-winning actors who were also married to each other for 50 years before Paul’s death.

Release date

The Last Movie Stars will be available for streaming from July 21 on HBO Max.

Cast and creators

  • George Clooney
  • Laura Linney
  • Oscar Isaac
  • Melanie Griffith
  • Sam Rockwell
  • Billy Crudup

Directed by Ethan Hawke

Executively produced by Martin Scorsese


“The Last Movie Stars is an epic 6-part documentary from CNN Films and HBO Max that chronicles Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s iconic careers and decades-long partnership. Director Ethan Hawke brings life and color to this definitive history of their dedication to their art, philanthropy and each other. 

“Through long lost transcriptions of interviews with Paul, Joanne and those close to them, brought to life by the voices of contemporary actors, we’re given an intimate front row seat to the lives and careers of the couple that would go on to forge an unmatched cultural legacy.”

Other details

Newman had recorded interview tapes and had previously planned to create a memoir. But he later decided to not move forward with the project and burned all the tapes. The surviving transcriptions of these tapes is what made this documentary possible.


With pictures and videos of Newman and Woodward’s lives and public appearances, accompanied by Hawke’s narration of the process of bringing the documentary to life, the first few minutes set the tone for the rest of the story.

In Hawke’s own words, the documentary is meant to represent a community looking back at the cultural legacy of the two stars, including their love, work and troubles.

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