Yoko Sato is one of the main characters in The Fable. Miyuki Sawashiro plays the character in the anime.
Yoko Sato, the new name of the assistant and driver of the world’s most lethal assassin, is a laidback and charming woman who’s unfazed by most of the criminal endeavors that she’s constantly surrounded by.
The Fable relies on her to drive him around and get him to the destination fast and securely.
He falls her GPS chick, and she corrects him by saying it’s a “perfect-memory, beautiful-woman car navigation system.”
Yoko & Akira
Yoko has to frequently clean up the messes he makes, and she makes her disapproval and frustrations loudly clear to him.
She’s also an integral part of the duo as she doesn’t hold back while reprimanding him; even though she’s an assistant, she lashes out at him when he creates some trouble he’s not supposed to.
She has good reason to be mad at him sometimes too. If any trouble that they end up creating is big enough to reach Boss’s ears, Boss would kill them, as he explicitly tells them before they go into hiding in Osaka.
Yoko’s past
When she was 10 years old, her house burned down, and she lost her father and mother in it. For reasons she says she doesn’t know, the Boss took her in.
He then taught her all kinds of stuff, and he began early. Since she was a child, she got to learn an assortment of skills needed to lead a life in the underworld.
A year ago, Boss made her Fable’s assistant and driver. Even as the legendary hitman scrunches up his face at her jolly and exuberant banter, the two work well together, and there’s mutual care and concern.
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