Why does 3D miss the Paris trip in DI4RIES season 2?

The school decides to take all the classes on a trip to Paris, but 3D unfortunately misses out in DI4RIES season 2.

The rivalry between the students of Marina Grande and the 3D who came from Marina Piccola was been consistent throughout the year.

The Principal informed the students of 3D that the school was impressed with the efforts of all the students and decided to take them all to Paris.

However, certain students held a significant grudge against certain members of 3D and they planned on getting their revenge.

Roby was dating Isa and was good friends and teammates with Pietro but after she left him for Pietro, his feelings changed.

Katia and Sara enjoyed pulling Livia to the dark side while they secretly bullied Arianna, but when their misdeeds were caught, they were slapped with a suspension.

This gave the trio enough reason to take out their frustrations on the kids from Marina Piccola.

Why does 3D miss the Paris trip in DI4RIES season 2? 1
Roby and Katia had huge grudges against 3D

A cruel prank

Roby convinces Pietro and Isa that he has no hard feelings about them getting together, but it’s all just a ruse.

He spends time plotting with Katia and eventually enacts their plan. He approaches Pietro and Isa one day and tells them about fashion day.

According to Roby, the school announced that they’ll be having a fashion day with a pajama party as the theme so everyone can come to school in casual wear.

Pietro is slightly doubtful but chooses to believe him. They send a message on the group chat and 3D shows up to school the next day in their pajamas.

But no one else is dressed like that, and they are the butt of everyone’s jokes. The Principal walks in and scolds them for being so irresponsible.

As punishment, they are taken off the Paris trip. The other classes go and Roby, Katia, and Sara write several condescending postcards to be sent back.

3D is humiliated, but Pietro and Giulio ultimately come up with a plan to get them back.

Also Read: DI4RIES season 2 part 2 summary and ending explained

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