Velma season 2 summary and ending explained

Velma season 2 follows a new horror in Crystal Cove as Velma, Daphne, Fred, and Norville face significant life events. The series is streaming on Max.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary:

Velma and Daphne are not dating but their relationship is complicated by their wildly different beliefs.

Daphne is also mad at Velma for telling Norville that she loves him, but Velma insists it was an accident.

Norville has been avoiding Velma ever since that night, but he’s also facing hallucinations of Victoria’s ghost as he is overridden with guilt about killing her in self-defense.

Lamont keeps pushing Norville to smoke weed and cure his problem, but the only thing that helps Norville is stress eating.

Fred is angry with Norville for killing his mother and refuses to believe that she was a killer. He sticks with the theory that she was possessed by the ghost of Norville’s grandmother, Edna Purdue.

He also starts a business as a ghost hunter and turns to the Catholic church as a part of his gimmick.

When Sheriff Cogburn is found murdered, Velma gets into detective mode to find the killer. Linda and Donna are more focused on their campaign to be the new co-sheriffs.

When Velma claims that Linda and Donna don’t have any leads and are passing off the work to her and Fred, it is exposed to the public.

Sheriff Cogburn’s brother, Merle, decides to run against them for Sheriff and panders to the men who are in danger.

More bodies start showing up and there is an air of the supernatural to the case. This is perpetuated by Amber, a new girl who moves to town and is into the occult.

She has a huge influence on Daphne which displeases Velma. Norville researches ways to find out what is causing his hallucinations so that he can get rid of them.

While looking into Mr. S’s work, he discovers that his grandmother, Dr. Edna Purdue, is still alive and working at the Crystal Cove Insane Asylum.

She continued her work on brains and perfected the process to keep them alive outside of their bodies.

She’s been hiding from the military and sends Velma to the base to find out if Project S.C.O.O.B.I. is still active.

William Jones meets Diya for an interview and they sleep with each other. They start a relationship that makes Velma and Fred uncomfortable.

Velma is certain that she saw Project S.C.O.O.B.I. still active, and she tells Edna. The killer calls Fred during a public trial and since it is a woman’s voice, Linda and Donna lose the election.

Merle becomes the new sheriff and he orders that all the women be sent to mines until they find out who the killer is.

He earlier incited a mob to attack Amber and her mother after they believed that the murders were witch-related.

Velma is close to connecting the killer to the military and they shut her down while also putting Aman under house arrest because he knows more than he’s letting on.

Gigi’s father, Don, tells Velma that they continued the project without Edna after a masked soldier claimed to get a glimpse of Edna’s journals when Diya was investigating them.

They created a super solider that they named Scrappy but the soldier made everyone uncomfortable so they were decommissioned.

The masked soldier went by “Uncle Scoobi”, and they disappeared with Scrappy before Scrappy could be taken in.

Velma figures out that Scrappy is a dog, and that’s when he attacks their bus and kidnaps her.

With Edna’s help, the kids discover that Victoria’s ghost is real and she needs to fulfill some things before she can pass on. She helps Fred stand up for himself and then moves on.

He tries to explain that he’s being framed by Don and the army so she agrees to help her. Velma is certain that Scrappy is the killer and sets a trap for him to be arrested.

He says that he’s got friends that can help him escape. The military recreated the bodies of Brenda, Lola, and Krista, hoping that they could put new brains in them.

Scrappy and Uncle Scoobi approached Edna to put Scrappy’s brain into one of those bodies so that they could escape.

William proposes to Diya, and not to be left behind, Sophie pressures Aman to propose to her, and they decide to have a joint wedding.

Ending explained:

Freaky Friday hijinks

Velma wants to continue investigating, but she is being bogged down by her mother and everything else going on.

She suggests switching brains with Daphne so that they can go about a day in each other’s shoes and see what it’s like.

Velma realizes that Daphne gets a lot of perks for being pretty, but life is still miserable because of the kind of attention she gets.

Daphne also gets to see things from Velma’s perspective and how she’s constantly looked down upon just for who she is socially.

A second chance for all

Norville and Lola catch Edna with the bodies, and she tells them that she is going to help Scrappy and Uncle Scoobi escape.

The kids try to convince her that the girls would love to have their bodies back and that helping them is the morally right thing to do.

After a lot of soul searching and spending so much time with her grandson, Edna decides to give the girls their bodies back.

Those meddling kids

Velma discovers who the real Uncle Scoobi is but before she can tell anyone, she is attacked by them, and her brain is removed.

She is placed in a closet with Daphne who is knocked out in Velma’s body. Velma goes through a journey in her brain until Daphne hears her and they wake up in their bodies.

They head over to the master bedroom of the Jones Mansion where they capture Uncle Scoobi and Velma reveals that it is Sophie.

Sophie then explains that she was never taken seriously as a woman in the army. Then when she saw Edna’s journals with Diya, she decided to disguise herself to propose the plan.

Return from the dead

Things were going smoothly until Scrappy went rogue and she was too scared of him to go against him.

Scrappy arrives and starts killing everyone to reach Velma and the others. Everyone just escapes until Velma sacrifices herself.

They hit Scrappy with a rocket but his invincibility keeps him alive until Velma reemerges as a ghost to knock his soul out of his body.

Victoria had earlier tried to possess Amber and Fred and they deduced that a body can hold only one consciousness at a time.

Velma remains a ghost as Edna says that her body is too damaged to bring her back. Amber says that she can bring her back with the right spell, but they have to wait till Halloween.

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Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem is an editor for The Envoy Web and an avid fan of films and shows. He has spent a significant amount of time taking in all kinds of genres and has a particular interest in the sci-fi and fantasy realms including series like Doctor Who, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Young Justice among others.

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