The miscommunication King Viserys caused in House of the Dragon explained

A bedridden King Viserys ended up giving a message to the wrong person. A message that could mark the beginning of a civil war at King’s Landing.

For discussing the succession of Driftwood’s Throne, the royal families had gathered at the King’s Landing. That’s when Rhaenyra realized that Viserys’ health has continued to falter since the last time she met him.

Half of his face was covered with bandages, and he had to rely on a special tea to keep himself in check.

Though the King was in no condition to walk, he made his way to Iron Throne during the meeting for the succession of Driftmark.

If that wasn’t enough, he knew his time was coming. So he decided to bring all his loved ones together one last time at dinner. Viserys made a final plea to them to solve their differences.

The royal families agreed and reconciled without a question.

At the same time, the king was also worried about the heir who would be looking after the seven kingdoms in the future.

Rhaenyra asks Viserys to defend her

The night before the meeting for the succession of Driftmark, Rhaenyra paid her father a visit. Initially, Viserys mistook her for Alicent, until Rhaenyra made it clear that it was her.

She questioned him about his belief in the Song of Ice and Fire and Aegon’s dream. Viserys had told her that it was their duty to hold the realm together, but now Rhaenyra feels that by naming her as the heir, he has divided the realm.

The miscommunication King Viserys caused in House of the Dragon explained 1
Rhaenyra asks Viserys to defend her

She admitted that she wanted it. Now she realizes the burden of it. She went on to ask Viserys to defend her and her children if he wants her to bear it.

King Viserys did defend her the next day during the meeting where Vaemond Velaryon was killed by Daemon for questioning the parentage of Rhaenyra’s sons.

Still, Viserys was yet to answer whether he believed in the Song of Ice and Fire and Aegon’s dream.

King Viserys mistakes Alicent for Rhaenyra

After dinner, Alicent paid Viserys a visit late at night. Viserys thought Rhaenyra had come to visit him, much like how she did the other night.

Considering that he is talking to Rhaenyra, Viserys answered her question regarding the Song of Ice and Fire and Aegon’s dream to Alicent.

He claimed that Aegon would unite the realms and addressed Alicent, saying she should be the one to make this happen.

Although Viserys believed he was talking to Rhaenyra, it was Alicent who heard it and thought the message was for her.

The miscommunication King Viserys caused in House of the Dragon explained 2
Alicent gets the message that was for Rhaenyra

Rhaenyra and Alicent both have sons of their own named Aegon. Alicent’s elder son is Aegon II, while Rhaenyra’s son with Daemon is Aegon III.

Alicent, on her side, thought that, according to Viserys and Aegon’s dream, it would be her son, Aegon, who would bring peace to the realm.

What she doesn’t know is the fact that Viserys also believed in Rhaenyra and therefore had defended her in court, and this answer was supposed to be for her question.

The beliefs of both of them may result in a civil war that is about to come in King’s Landing for the Iron Throne.

Also Read: What does Alicent’s green dress signify in House of the Dragon?

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