Richard Moloto: Savage Beauty season 2 character explained

While trying to avenge his wife’s death, Richard Moloto falls in love with Grace. In the second season of Savage Beauty, Tony Kgoroge plays Richard Moloto.

Richard’s wife, Debbie, was investigating the illegal skin-bleaching practices of Bhengu Beauty. Fearing exposure, Don and Grace sent goons to intimidate her.

This led to Debbie’s death. Richard then resolved to find the people responsible for his wife’s murder and bring them to justice.

Years later, Richard discovers that the Bhengus were behind Debbie’s murder. Now, as the owner of Moloto Holdings, Richard is in a better position to get his revenge on them.

Richard’s quest for revenge

Richard plans to buy Bhengu Beauty’s shares, devalue the company, and eventually take over. To help him exact revenge, he calls his daughter, Charlie, from London. 

While Charlie starts dating Phila, Richard approaches him to sell his shares, but Phila refuses. Richard then encourages Phila to start his own company.

As Don has not been a good father to Phila, Richard is able to earn his trust and become a supportive father figure to him. 

With Richard and Charlie’s encouragement, Phila decides to take over Bhengu Beauty, and Richard agrees to help him.

Phila and Richard’s partnership does not last long, as Phila discovers that Richard has been meeting his mother, Grace. Besides Phila, Richard had also approached Grace, playing the caring partner that Don could never be.

Richard is very different from Don, who is insecure and has been ruthlessly fighting Grace for the CEO position, so Grace starts liking and trusting him.

While developing close bonds with Phila and Grace, Richard continues to cause problems for the Bhengus and their company. 

He gets Don attacked, has Don’s ex-girlfriend accuse him and Grace of taking advantage of her, and reports Bhengu Beauty for committing tax fraud.

Shifting priorities

Over time, Richard falls in love with Grace. For the first time since his wife’s death, he sees a future for himself. He now wants to be in a relationship with Grace.

He becomes convinced that Grace had nothing to do with Debbie’s death and that it was all Don, who nearly kills Grace in an accident.

Richard rescues Grace and tries to convince her to report Don to the police. While Grace refuses to report him, she is ready to divorce him and be with Richard.

Then, Don reveals to Grace that Richard has been using her to get revenge for his wife’s death. A heartbroken Grace tries to hurt Richard by confessing that she was involved in Debbie’s murder. 

Savage Beauty Richard Moloto
Richard records Grace’s confession

Richard records her confession but does not turn her in because he still does not believe that Grace had Debbie killed.

Meanwhile, Richard discovers that Charlie has been sleeping with both Phila and Linda to get revenge on the Bhengus, despite Richard asking her not to. 

When Richard confronts her, Charlie points out how he failed to see that she needed help after Debbie’s death, which resulted in them drifting apart. 

Richard was not there for Charlie when she needed him, but he is determined to support Grace in her time of need. He deletes the confession, abandoning his quest for revenge.

He promises to get Grace, who has been arrested for Don’s murder, out of prison, but Phila’s public confession is not going to make it easy.

Also Read: Charlotte “Charlie” Webster-Moloto: Savage Beauty season 2 character explained

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