Kahhori: What If season 2 character explained

Kahhori emerges as one of the newest characters in not just the sophomore season of the Disney+ show What If…?, but in the extended Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. K. Devery Jacobs voices the character on the show.

Kahhori is a Mohawk native and is a wild one in spirit. According to the official Marvel site, her name translates to ‘she stirs the forest’ or someone who motivates people around her.

Her name is pronounced “KAH-HORTI,” and is a real Wolf Clan name. In the episode, she does end up rallying others around her to her cause, which is to rescue her people from the Spanish colonizers.

The Tesseract falls

Ragnarok arrives early at Asgard, Odin uses the Tesseract to counter him but the realm is destroyed nonetheless. The tesseract survives the destruction and heads towards a new world — Earth.

It lands in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy before the colonization of America. It falls into a lake and turns it blue, and inside it creates a portal that’s a gateway to a new pocket dimension.

Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman, stumbles upon the lake with her younger brother one day and realizes that the legendary lake is real and exists.

They have to head back home soon when Spanish conquistadors attack their settlement.

The Sky World

They are there in search of the same lake, which, according to legends, is a fountain of youth that awards immortality.

They spot Kahhori and her brother and chase her, and she ends up falling into the lake and the portal takes her to a whole new world.

This is the Sky World from the legends she and all her people grew up listening to stories about.

She meets the inhabitants of Sky World who are all her ancestors who at some point tried to venture into the lake looking for the legends’ legitimacy.

Now they live in immortal bliss where they can’t die and possess great energy that the Tesseract has bestowed upon them, as its energy has seeped into and has been absorbed by everything there.

World Peace speedrun

She tries to instantly get back to her world but fails to do so. She has to learn how to harness the energy first, and she does an exceptional job at it, becoming the most proficient user of the powers in record time.

When some Spanish soldiers drop down after falling into the portal looking for immortality, Kahhori fights them and then uses her command over the energy to bring down the presumed inaccessible portal to her.

Kahhori power What If season 2
Kahhori using her powers

She delivers a rousing speech, trying to reignite in the Sky World inhabitants a fire to return to their homeworld and save their people. She goes to fight the invaders alone and soon, her new friends follow.

Together, they drive away all the Spanish conquistadors from America and Kahhori also manages to broker world peace with her powers.

Powers & abilities

During the course, she manages to wield powers such as transportation, which she can do via portals that she can create and control at will.

She can also use telekinesis, make energy shields, and shoot raw energy blasts.

She can also channel the energy from the Tesseract, like others from the Sky World, to propel herself forward and gain inhuman speeds.

Due to the absorption of energy from the Space Stone, she also gains longevity like the Sky World inhabitants.

An original addition to the canon

Kahhori doesn’t exist in the Marvel comics. She’s a wholly original character who first appears in the sixth episode of What If…? season 2.

This also makes Kahhori one of the more special and significant original characters in MCU, as she is bound to make more appearances down the line.

The epilogue of the sixth episode sees Dr. Strange Supreme portal near Kahhori and telling her he’s been looking for her for a long time.

This segment hints at a continuation of Kahhori’s story in What If…? season 2. As for her possible involvement in the larger, live-action MCU remains to be seen.

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