Holly: Candy Cane Lane character explained

In Candy Cane Lane, Holly Carver is Chris and Carol’s youngest daughter. Madison Thomas plays Holly Carver.

When Holly first appears in the film, she is wondering what she should ask for from Santa: an invisibility cloak or flying shoes. She believes a lot in Santa and his elves and thinks that they can make her wish come true.

For the rest of the film, Holly is seen as the only person assisting Chris in winning the grand prize of the Candy Cane Lane competition.

Holly saves Pepper’s villagers

When Holly meets the likes of Pip, Gary, and Cordelia, who have been turned into action figures by Pepper, a naughty elf, and live in a village set, she forms an instant connection with them, especially Pip.

While Chris and the rest of the Carvers are busy helping Chris deal with Pepper and find the gold rings, Holly thinks about Pepper’s villagers too. She sends a letter to Santa out of concern for them.

In the end, Pepper fails to turn Chris into an action figure, but she continues to have people who are already under her curse. Santa can’t turn Pepper’s villagers into humans because they made a deal with Pepper and failed to live up to it.

Holly: Candy Cane Lane character explained 1
Holly reveals what she asked Santa for on Christmas

However, Holly does the impossible. In her letter, she asked Santa to turn the villagers back into humans. Santa can’t deny a child’s wish. Pip, Gary, Cordelia, and other action figures who were under Pepper’s curse become humans again, thanks to Holly.

Pip, who is close to Holly, even joins the Carvers for Christmas instead of spending the holiday alone.

Also Read: Pepper: Candy Cane Lane character explained

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