Why did 5th Floor join the game in The 8 Show?

5th Floor is one of the older contestants in the game and she doesn’t enjoy it when they fight against each other.

5th Floor (Moon Jeong-hee) behaves as the mom of the group and 4th Floor sticks to her initially because she needs a senior figure to rely on.

When 4th Floor gets a seizure, 5th Floor reveals that she is a nurse so she has some medical expertise.

She becomes the one responsible for patching people up when they get hurt after violence was introduced into the game.

When 8th Floor starves them for a few days, 5th Floor hallucinates due to the lack of energy.

Why did 5th Floor join the game in The 8 Show? 1
She hallucinated the end of the game show while everyone else was fighting

Easily swayed

5th Floor is grouped up with the lower floors in the power grab and she is forced to suffer like the others.

After they take control, she takes responsibility for feeding 8th, 6th, and 4th Floor. When 2nd Floor locks up 3rd and 1st to stop the crime spree, 5th Floor is all by herself.

The guilt of keeping everyone restrained stresses her out and she hallucinates once again. This leads her to free 6th Floor and he frees the others so that they can get revenge.

When 8th Floor starts torturing everyone, 5th Floor is in charge of keeping them alive and by this point, she is completely checked out.

4th Floor tries to convince her to help overthrow 8th Floor, and she talks about her life on the outside.

She was married to a wealthy dermatologist but he was never faithful. She ventured out on her own and met a young man who charmed her.

She ended up mortgaging her husband’s properties to lend the young man money and was sued by her husband.

The young man also ran away, leaving her with no one.

Also Read: 1st Floor: The 8 Show character explained

Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem Abdul
Nadeem is an editor for The Envoy Web and an avid fan of films and shows. He has spent a significant amount of time taking in all kinds of genres and has a particular interest in the sci-fi and fantasy realms including series like Doctor Who, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Young Justice among others.

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