Boco: GAMERA -Rebirth- character explained

In GAMERA -Rebirth-, as Boco is the key to purifying the world through the kaiju, he keeps getting targeted by giant creatures. Boco is voiced by Hisako Kanemoto.

Hiroki Wada, who is more commonly known as Boco by his friends and family, is a sixth-grader who is being sent to summer school soon. Boco is very close to his two best friends, Joe and Junichi, and he wants to spend his summer playing with them instead of studying.

The summer of 1989 sees Boco making new friends and facing dangerous creatures instead of going to summer school. Boco also gains a protector in the form of a giant turtle that is named Gamera by Boco.

A fearless boy

Boco is a headstrong child, and he often lands in trouble. When he sees a turtle trapped between tree roots, he ignores his friends’ warnings and goes to save it without caring about his own safety.

Boco is also fearless and keeps taking risks. When Brody beats up Boco and his friends and takes away their money, Boco is ready to fight him again to get their money back. Later, when Gyaos attacks Boco and his friends, Boco refuses to leave Brody to die, even though Brody has done nothing but bully them all this while.

GAMERA -Rebirth- Boco
Boco and his friends save Brody

Boco manages to survive every single kaiju attack because he gets a protector. A giant turtle kaiju, Gamera, comes to Boco’s rescue whenever he and his friends are attacked. Due to that, Boco starts trusting him, as he thinks Gamera will not let anyone harm them.

Similarly, Boco trusts the Eustace Foundation. When Boco and his friends meet Emiko and Tazaki, they are given communication devices by the Eustace Foundation. The devices impress Boco, and he does not question the Foundation’s motives despite Joe’s suspicions.

A special bond

Boco soon realizes that the Foundation does not want to protect them. Boco is the code-holder at the highest level, which means that if he is fed to a kaiju, the kaiju will devour everything. The Foundation wants to purify the Earth by feeding Boco to a kaiju and letting it eliminate all human beings.

When Viras gets revived, it detects Boco’s presence and comes after him, but Boco leaves the planet in a space shuttle with his friends. His friend Joe then sacrifices his life to save Boco and the others, and Gamera gives it his all to bring them to safety.

Gamera almost dies trying to protect Boco, but Boco is not ready to give up. After losing Joe, he cannot let Gamera die. He cries and pleads with Tazaki to save Gamera’s life. 

GAMERA -Rebirth- Boco
Boco pleads with Tazaki to help Gamera

Furthermore, when Gamera is being revived and Gyaos attacks, Boco puts himself in danger to distract Gyaos and buy Gamera some time. Gamera does not let Boco down and comes to protect him once again.

Gamera defeats Gyaos, but he returns to his original genetic configuration from 100,000 years ago and turns evil, as Gyaos injects a virus into his body. Boco still does not lose his faith in Gamera and tells him that he is different from the other kaiju. 

Boco’s words bring Gamera back to his senses, and he uses the last of his strength to kill the board members of the Foundation to stop them from trying to purify the world again and sacrificing Boco. 

However, Boco does not lose Gamera, as he is reborn. Boco and his friends go to visit a tiny Gamera in a lab. As Gamera has always protected him and his friends, Boco believes that it is their turn to protect Gamera. 

Also Read: The Eustace Foundation in GAMERA -Rebirth- explained

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