Augustus: Percy Jackson and the Olympians character explained

Augustus is another satyr that Grover runs into at the Lotus Casino in Las Vegas. Ted Dykstra plays the character.

The trio decides to divide and search for Hermes within the Lotus Casino. Percy and Annabeth team up to explore together, while Grover embarks on a solo quest.

As Grover roams the premises, he spots another satyr in the distance, and to his delight, he recognizes him as Augustus.

Augustus holds a special place in Grover’s heart as a close friend of his family, and Grover expresses his gratitude for the support he has received from Augustus over the years.

However, Grover’s joy is short-lived as he soon realizes that Augustus has fallen under the enchantment of the lotus flower.

This enchantment has taken its toll, erasing all memories and connections from Augustus’s mind, leaving him unable to remember anything or anyone, including Grover himself.

A way to keep you here

Augustus does seem to recognize Ferdinand’s name, and when Grover mentions the search for Pan the God of Nature, he says that he is close to finding him.

He asks Grover to join him as he goes to Pan’s location, and Grover duly follows. A little further ahead, Grover stops himself as he remembers that he needs to inform his friends.

However, he is somehow affected by being in the casino and forgets why he came there in the first place.

Augustus convinces him that they are searching for Pan together.

Augustus: Percy Jackson and the Olympians character explained 1
Augustus doesn’t let Grover remember his friends by distracting him

Later on, when Percy and Annabeth are looking for Grover, they see Augustus and call out to him.

The satyr runs away and they chase after him, eventually catching up. He tells them where to find Grover and the trio finally gets out of the casino.

Percy realizes that the casino has been pumping the essence of the lotus flower into the air which is why people forget how long they have been in there.

Also Read: How does Percy get Ares’s shield back in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

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