How does Percy get Ares’s shield back in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

Percy and his friends are visited by Ares, the god of war, who offers to help them in their quest.

The police are looking for Percy and his friends, leaving them with no choice but to walk the highways looking for a ride.

A man on a bike shows up and offers to speed up their journey since they are running out of time.

He reveals himself to be Ares and tells them to meet him at a diner further ahead. Ares tells them he left his shield in a nearby amusement park and would like it back.

He also tells Percy and Annabeth that Grover has to stay behind with him as collateral so they do not run away.

Percy and Annabeth approach the spooky-looking amusement park and encounter a trap of sorts at the entrance.

Annabeth deduces that the park was built by Hephaestus, the God of Craftsmanship. Connecting the dots, they realize that Ares must have been there to meet Aphrodite.

Not like the others

A boat ride lights up, and they decide to check it out.

During the boat ride, music plays, and an animated version of Hephaestus’ life plays out.

Percy remembers that his mother told him this story as an example of how cruel the gods were to each other.

The eventually reach a statue holding the shield, and a golden throne in front of it. Annabeth figures that the two things are connected, and Percy once again remembers what he was taught.

According to legend, Hephaestus trapped Hera on the throne, and none of the gods could get her out.

They requested Hephaestus to free Hera and offered him Aphrodite’s hand in marriage in exchange.

Percy concludes that someone must sit on the throne for the shield to be released. He sacrifices himself so that Annabeth can move forward.

Annabeth refuses to let go of Percy so easily and insects the throne for any possible weaknesses.

Hephaestus shows up and tells her to leave, but Annabeth hits back by saying that Percy doesn’t deserve to be punished because he’s different.

How does Percy get Ares's shield back in Percy Jackson and the Olympians? 1
Hephaestus offers to put in a good word to Athena for Annabeth

He’s the first one in this world to think differently and look down on the way the Olympians treat each other.

Hephaestus is touched by her words and agrees to let Percy and her leave with Ares’ shield.

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