Andrew’s death in Fool Me Once explained

As Maya begins to uncover the Burkett family’s secrets, she discovers that Andrew’s death is a secret that poses a threat to the family’s reputation.

Joe’s brother, Andrew, died when Joe and Andrew were still in school. The world believes that Andrew’s death was an accident.

Joe had a different story to tell. He told Maya that Andrew did not fall from a yacht as everyone believes; he jumped to kill himself.

However, neither of the two stories are true. When Maya starts looking into what Claire was investigating before her death, she discovers the truth about Andrew’s death.

Two consecutive deaths

Joe and Andrew go to school with a boy named Theo Mora. Theo is Andrew’s best friend, but Joe is jealous of Theo.

As Theo is funny, outgoing, and a great football player, he is a popular student. This does not sit well with Joe, who hates being outshined.

One day, after winning a football game, Joe takes Andrew and three of his other friends to celebrate. They wear masks and ambush Theo in his room.

Hazing is common in a school like Franklin, so Joe’s friends go along with it, thinking that it is a harmless prank.

Even Theo does not resist when he is dragged to a secluded area. Joe ties Theo to a chair and does not leave any knot loose, rendering Theo powerless.

He then brings a funnel, puts it in Theo’s mouth, and pours alcohol down it. He does not stop pouring even when Theo starts struggling, which results in Theo’s death.

Joe and his friends kill Theo, but none of them tell the truth to anyone. It is believed that Theo drank too much that night and died of alcohol poisoning.

Fool Me Once Andrew
Joe kills Theo

While Joe moves on easily, Andrew cannot do the same; the guilt does not let him live. The incident changes Andrew.

A few weeks later, Joe and all the others involved in Theo’s murder end up on a yacht. Andrew gets drunk and tells the group that he wants to confess.

Joe calms his brother down and decides to kill him to keep their secret safe. Later, when Andrew is alone on deck, Joe follows him and pushes him off the yacht.

Joe’s family covers up his crimes, and Andrew’s death is painted as an accident. Years later, Claire comes to know the truth about Andrew’s death, and Joe kills her as well.

When Maya meets Christopher Swain, one of the boys involved in Theo’s murder, she realizes that her husband was a cold-blooded killer who did not hesitate to kill his own brother.

Also Read: Corey the Whistle: Fool Me Once character explained

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