Aimee’s death in Sweet Tooth season 2 explained

In Sweet Tooth season 2, Aimee and Jepperd manage to break Gus and the hybrids out of Abbot’s captivity, but Aimee knows she won’t get much time with her kids as she has discovered a grave truth.

Aimee rescued Jepperd, and together they formed an unlikely partnership to save Gus and the hybrids before Dr. Singh can kill them to make the cure General Abbot wants.

Along the way, they had to seek help from new friends. They even fell apart when Jepperd revealed that he was once part of the Last Men. Somehow, things worked out, and both of them reunited with Gus and the hybrids.

Unfortunately, on their way to Yellowstone National Park, Aimee notices that her finger has started shaking, suggesting that she has contracted the Sick.

Why doesn’t Aimee take the cure?

Aimee had the cure Dr. Singh first made, which she had stolen while they were looking for Gus and the hybrids at Essex County. She didn’t feel like taking it. She kept her sickness from everyone and decided to let Jepperd know when they stopped by a park.

Aimee doesn’t want to take the treatment because Abbot and his doctors killed her boy, Roy, for creating it. She remembers everything about Roy and is holding onto him.

Aimee desires to spend one last road trip with her kids without having them worry for her. During her time at Yellowstone, she observes how Jepperd and Bear, also known as Becky, are with the kids. Bear is like some sort of superhero to Aimee’s kids, as she used to defend the hybrids as part of the Animal Army.

Aimee's death in Sweet Tooth season 2 explained 1
Aimee calms Wendy down

Later in the finale, she hands her responsibilities to Bear, who, in turn, lets Aimee know that what she did was braver than what any one of them did. Aimee took the kids in, raised them, and protected them from the whole world.

Aimee then reminds her that she isn’t going to be here any longer and asks Bear to take the kids away from Yellowstone before Abbot can arrive.

Only Wendy doesn’t take the news of Aimee leaving them warmly, but Aimee assures her that she has Becky now by her side, who later reveals that she is Wendy’s sister. Sometime after the battle with General Abbot, Aimee passes away. She is given a heartfelt funeral by Jepperd, Bear, and her kids.

Also Read: Sweet Tooth season 2 review: Feels longer and less exciting

Rahul Shinde
Rahul Shinde
Rahul is an editor on The Envoy Web who is working from Mumbai. You will find him obsessing over the genres of horror, thriller, sitcoms, and musicals—a weird combination right there. It's either something spooky or a comfort watch.

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