Top Boy season 3 review: Dreary series finale feels rushed

Top Boy season 3 concludes the series in a grim state of affairs as the Summerhouse residents contend with a multitude of struggles, betrayals, enemies, and deaths.


Sully takes over the operations from Dushane after killing Jaime. The business is tough and he soon learns that when his first-ever shipment goes awry. In the place of the drugs, he receives the decapitated heads of Chaash and Munir.

An Irish gangster family is behind it, as Tadgh McGee informs Sully of the paradigm shift in the business on the phone. Sully meets up with his nephew who’s to oversee the operations, Jonny, who’s ruthless and clever.

He tells Sully that they’re in the business and will take 50% of the cut. Meanwhile, Shelley asks for a lot of money as she seeks to start a chain, and Dushane agrees to invest it. However, he’s duped by Lithe and Lizzie, both of whom bolt with his money.

When Jeffrey reveals that his money is gone and that he can’t do anything about it, he’s killed by an enraged Dushane. Jaq spends more time with Lauryn and her son but despite her efforts, Lauryn loses against her trauma response and drowns to death after overdosing.

Sully and Dushane take care of the Irish problem and take back the drugs that Jaq, conflicted and guilty about her drug dealing, steals. She eventually comes back when she realizes she messed up. Meanwhile, Dushane learns that he’s being pursued for Jeffrey’s murder.

He plans to get out of the country and steals the bags of drugs from Jaq before she can return them to Sully. Dushane ends up getting shot by Sully while he’s on the run, and dies. Sully is killed by an unknown assailant as Top Boy season 3 concludes.


Ashley Waters gives a consistent performance as Dushane right up until the end, which is accompanied by a subtle yet strong punch to the gut, delivered successfully thanks to the acting of the two main leads.

Kane Robinson is a revelation throughout and says a lot with his eyes, like every other installment before this final one. The ending of Top Boy season 3 in special sees Robinson do magic with his talent and render a heartrending performance.

Jasmine Jobson as Jaq not only meets the main leads at the same level but punches further above her weight to deliver one of the best performances in the show. The same goes for Araloyin Oshuhremi, who perhaps is the most impressive cast member this season.


Top Boy delivers a grim finale with the sixth episode of season 3, as the inevitable end to the main characters’ lives hits hard and establishes the bleakness of the setting they all have to contend with in life.

The performances from almost everyone on the cast are what make the show, also lending heavily to the dialectical and aesthetical authenticity.


Season 3 feels very rushed as characters are given improper send-offs and storylines are not developed or fleshed out the way they deserve to be.

The ending feels premature and new characters like Jonny are not given nearly enough time to shine. Characters make choices that are anything but in character.

The inevitable ends to the different storylines make sense but not the routes that the storylines take to reach said inevitable conclusions.


Top Boy season 3 is a great mix of gritty and grim as the finality of the story arrives with a sense of inescapable dread. However, the way it delivers the conclusions to its different characters is hasty at best.

Nevertheless, the story beats, the emotions, and the message remain strong in this solid finale of an A-tier series.

Top Boy season 3
Top Boy season 3 review: Dreary series finale feels rushed 1

Director: Myriam Raja, Will Stefan Smith

Date Created: 2023-09-07 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Top Boy season 3 summary and ending explained

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