Kandasamys: The Baby review: Clever writing makes for a laughter riot

In Kandasamys: The Baby, Shanthi and Jennifer are excited to meet and care for their grandchild, but Prishen and Jodi have different plans for them. The movie is now streaming on Netflix.


Shanthi and Jennifer are thrilled now that Jodi and Prishen are having a baby. It’s a life-changing moment for them, as they are becoming grandmothers. However, knowing how their mothers can be, Jodi and Prishen have prepared a full-fledged plan to keep them away at all costs.

When Shanthi and Jennifer arrive and meet their granddaughter, they are told that they won’t be staying with Jodi and Prishen. Instead, Prishen is sending them and their family on a tour.

Shanthi and Jennifer are sour that Jodi and Prishen won’t allow them to be around the baby. They think their children know nothing about caring for a child right now. Anyhow, they are not willing to give up.

While Jodi and Prishen try to keep their mothers away, their mothers find one way or another to be around them and their granddaughter, which sometimes leads to chaos everywhere.


The cast of Kandasamys: The Baby returns as if the Kandasamys and Naidoos never left, and they pretty much continue to not miss out on their Indian tendencies.

Jailoshini Naidoo, as Jennifer, and Maeshni Naicker, as Shanthi, carry strong motherly instincts while portraying their characters, as they show a determination that almost all mothers have for their child’s well-being.

What they do manage to succeed at is annoying the viewers along with the characters of Jodi and Prishen, which suggests that they understood the assignment.

Mariam Bassa is a standout performer as Aya. She is a walking and talking roasting machine. Every word that comes out of her mouth is gold.

Lastly, even though she doesn’t get much screen time, Mishqah Parthiephal, as Jodi, is able to convey the pressures that come with motherhood and how her character is struggling to keep up.


Kandasamys: The Baby is a hilarious laughter ride, even though it comes with a regular formula for a comedy-drama. The comedy routine works, thanks to great timing by the characters and good writing.

The film is also aesthetically appealing. There is a decent amount of research that the creators have done. Hence, the Kandasamys and the Naidoos manage to come out as a typical Indian family, and their behaviors after childbirth will be relatable.

For the majority of the film, Kandasamys: The Baby stands out as a good comedy drama. At the same time, it doesn’t falter when it shifts to becoming more of an emotional drama.

Some really good dialogue work and the right tension make these emotional scenes heart-wrenching and touching, and the film’s story comes full circle.


Kandasamys: The Baby has a minor subplot involving Desan’s bullying incident, which feels like an unnecessary add-on. It further snatches the character of Shanthi away from the main plot, and Shanthi’s role is reduced toward the end because of this subplot.


Kandasamys: The Baby makes a regular comedy routine a hilarious laughter ride, thanks to strong writing and good performances. Viewers might see the conclusion from a long way, but it’s a ride worth enjoying.

Kandasamys: The Baby
Kandasamys: The Baby review: Clever writing makes for a laughter riot 1

Director: Jayan Moodley

Date Created: 2023-10-20 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Kandasamys: The Baby summary and ending explained

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