The Afterparty season 2 finale recap, review & ending explained

In the finale of The Afterparty season 2, Aniq and Danner hear Zoë and Vivian’s side of the story, and another one of Kyler’s videos helps them find the murderer. The episode is now streaming on Apple TV+.

Episode 10 recap: Vivian and Zoë

Aniq and Danner still haven’t figured out who the killer is. There is one thing that is nagging Danner, but Aniq won’t like it. Aniq tries to remember who all were at the after-party and realizes that Zoë was missing.

Aniq and Danner question Zoë next. Zoë confesses that she has killed someone. She reveals that she wanted to make up for the fight she had with Grace.

When she didn’t get a chance to do so during her maid-of-honor speech, she broke into Grace and Edgar’s room during the after-party to put her speech in Grace’s suitcase.

On her way out, she faced Colonel, Isabel’s dog. Zoë and Colonel got into a fight, and Zoë threw him out of the window. She believes she killed Colonel. It is later revealed that he is okay.

Aniq and Danner are back to square one. They don’t have a suspect again. Isabel’s friend, Howie, who is a cop, gets ready to arrest Grace before even completing the investigation, claiming it’s very clear that she killed Edgar for the money.

Danner hears Isabel talking about how she thought she was going to be killed and how Edgar became the wrong target. Aniq points out that Howie can’t arrest Grace. He doesn’t have evidence; he only knows Grace has a motive.

After realizing that everyone here has a motive, Aniq claims that he murdered Edgar to keep this investigation going. Following him, everyone else, except Zoë, Grace, Sebastian, and Isabel, claim they killed Edgar.

Danner explains to Howie how this will look in the press if he arrests Grace just because his good friend Isabel told him to. Howie gives Danner and Aniq five minutes to make their case.

Aniq and Danner have figured it all out after hearing about Isabel’s wrong target situation. They reveal that Ulysses is the killer. Ulysses’s poison reached the wrong target because he intended to kill Feng.

The Afterparty season 2 ending explained in detail:

How is Ulysses the suspect again?

Danner and Aniq ask Vivian to tell them what she discussed with Ulysses after the rehearsal dinner. According to Vivian, Ulysses came to convince her to leave Feng and come back to him.

Aniq and Danner like to think Ulysses invented the idea of a paternity test after the murder. He had told Danner and Aniq that he met Vivian after the rehearsal dinner to ask whether Grace is his daughter. However, Vivian’s confession doesn’t mention a discussion about a paternity test at all.

Danner and Aniq assess that a rejected Ulysses, who has traveled the world and knows about different flowers, recognized the Devil’s Trumpet and made his move to kill Feng.

Ulysses brewed a poisoned tea in the horn he carries. He made a drink for Feng when Sebastian caught him at the bar. Ulysses claims he was taking samples for the paternity test at that time.

Ulysses handed Feng the poisoned drink. Following that, Feng approached Edgar to offer him his baobing. At that time, Feng accidentally switched glasses with Edgar.

While Edgar and Roxana drank the poisoned drink, Feng drank the drink made for Edgar by Grace, which has Adderall mixed in it. The Adderall made Feng stay up all night and think of new ideas for the King of the Bing.

Is Ulysses really the killer?

Howie’s team discovers a teapot hidden in Edgar and Grace’s room. Zoë doesn’t waste time and confesses that she hid the teapot because it would have made Grace look guilty.

Grace questions if Zoë thinks she did it. Zoë proves that she knows Grace will never kill someone by drinking some of the tea from that teapot. She knows in her heart that there is no poison in this.

Vivian then confronts Ulysses and asks for the drink in Ulysses’s horn. If there is no poison in it, Ulysses shouldn’t have a problem. Ulysses immediately stops Vivian from drinking the drink, proving that there is poison inside and that he is the murderer.

Ulysses confesses that he truly loved Vivian, and to bring her along on his life adventure, he did this. Ulysses starts calling Feng boring, pathetic, and a lot more, and before he can finish the sentence, Feng punches him down.

What happens to everyone else?

Feng is arrested. Grace doesn’t want Edgar’s fortune, but she does get the promised million dollars. She gives that money to her father, Feng, so that he can get his King of the Bing truck back. Sebastian, on the other hand, is fired even though Edgar’s cryptocurrency is now a success.

Feng and Vivian give Aniq their blessings so that he can propose to Zoë. Both Zoë and Aniq end up proposing to each other. Hannah and Grace watch them from a distance and hold hands.

Aniq and Zoë bid Danner, who gave them their Hollywood ending, a goodbye. Before Danner can leave, Aniq asks Danner if mind movies are her thing, then why she is writing a book. A year later, Aniq and Zoë meet Danner on the sets of her movie about Xavier’s case, which has a star-studded cast.


  • The finale of The Afterparty season 2 makes sense of everything. It is less about mind movies and more about the case. Therefore, the title of the episode doesn’t make sense.
  • Both Zoë and Vivian get very little time to share their stories. One can say it is rushed because Zoë’s campy horror style and Vivian’s 80s soap opera-style movies do sound and look appealing for a longer run.
  • The character who is able to make the most of the laughs continues to be Travis. He is Aniq in a way, but a lot dumber and someone who thinks he is smart.
The Afterparty season 2 episode 10
The Afterparty season 2 finale recap, review & ending explained 1

Director: Tamra Davis

Date Created: 2023-09-06 12:30

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