My Happy Marriage season 1 episode 8 recap & review: Nightmares and Ominous Shadows

My Happy Marriage episode 8 sees Miyo’s training under Hazuki progress further as the two grow even closer, while Kiyoka is determined to get to the bottom of the nightmares that his fianceé suffers from.


Kiyoka, General Okaito, and Kazushi Tatsuishi meet with the Imperial Prince Takahito. Kazushi apologizes on behalf of his family and briefs on the conduct his family is to follow with the help of Kudo’s family’s guidance.

Takahito then tells them about his revelation which entails a forthcoming battle and enemies from the dark, which are essentially the Grotesqueries that have been released after the unsealing of the Grave.

Miyo gets training for Western lady etiquette by Hazuki, who asks Miyo to call her “big sister” but those words only trigger the repressed trauma inside Miyo. She prefers calling her Hazuki San.

Arata meets Kiyoka at the headquarters and introduces himself and the reason why he’s there. He reveals he owns a trading company but has shared a relationship with the Imperial family and hence, is here as a third-party negotiator.

He’s here to enlist the squad’s help in contending with the Grave issue. That’s where Kiyoka heads off with his squad soon. Okaito tasks Kazushi to dispel the curses of the corpse of one of the suspicious men who were found at the Grave.

However, Kazushi finds the curses so powerful that he can’t contend with them and is overwhelmed by them. Kiyoka deals with the Grotesqueries who attack them while Miyo is attacked by the entities in her nightmares.

Miyo is out with Hazuki and Yurie for her practical training but faints due to recent problems with insufficient sleep and weakness. As she begins to fall, she’s saved by none other than Arata, just as My Happy Marriage episode 8 comes to an end.


  • My Happy Marriage episode 8 contains a lot of red flags waving all the omens away at the audience.
  • Arata’s arrival strikes a familiar tune, as a “protector” of Miyo sounds just as bad as Koji’s half-hearted attempts at protecting her.
  • He also seems to be quite a formidable enemy that even Kiyoka might have a field day with. However, it seems that he and Miyo would be able to get out of these oncoming difficulties just fine, at least that’s what Takahito believes.
My Happy Marriage season 1 episode 8
My Happy Marriage season 1 episode 8 recap & review: Nightmares and Ominous Shadows 1

Director: Kōji Furukuwa

Date Created: 2023-08-23 20:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Miyo Saimori: My Happy Marriage character explained

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