Who’s a Good Boy?: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Who’s a Good Boy is an upcoming Mexican comedy movie that follows the struggle of the modern youngster who is starting his final year of high school with the goal of losing his virginity before graduating.

Release date

Who’s a Good Boy will debut on November 23, 2022, on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Sebastian Dante
  • Yankel Stevan
  • Grettell Valdez
  • Sirena Ortiz
  • Harold Azuara
  • Diego Meléndez
  • Luisa Guzmán Quintero
  • Adrián Vásquez

Directed by Ihtzi Hurtado

Official synopsis

“Chema has a mission: date Claudia, the new girl at his school, so he can lose his virginity to her before the end of the school year. Will he fulfill his dream before graduation?”


Since Chema has never been able to have physical contact with women, he is under peer pressure. As he gets the chance to show Claudia, the new girl at his school, around, his pals make fun of him. He wants to date Claudia and give up his virginity to her because she is gorgeous. Soon, Claudia starts dropping clues and asks for his assistance, which forces him to put in a lot of effort to grant her dream.

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