The Noel Diary: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Netflix’s The Noel Diary is an upcoming comedy-drama that deals with the themes of reconciliation with a Christmas-spirited backdrop.

Release date

The film is set to release on November 24, 2022, on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Justin Hartley as Jacob Churcher
  • Barrett Doss as Rachel
  • Bonnie Bedelia
  • Treat Williams
  • Essence Atkins
  • James Remar

The Noel Diary is directed by Charles Shyer and produced by Margret H. Huddleston, Stephanie Slack, and Ridoyanul Hoq.


“The bestselling romance author Jacob Churcher hasn’t been home for almost twenty years- ever since his mentally ill mother kicked him out of the house when he was just sixteen. After a lawyer’s call (days before Christmas), to inform him that his mother has passed away and left her house to him, Jacob returns not just to settle the estate but to try and reconcile with the past and the pain and abuse he experienced as a child.”

Other details

The Noel Diary is based on a novel by Richard Paul Evans.


The trailer video shows a famous writer and a mystified chapter of his life opens after the death of his mother. The clip hints that he receives the best Christmas present he could ask for: “the chance to rewrite the past”.

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