The Tinder Swindler: Release date and trailer

The Tinder Swindler’ is a true crime documentary directed by Felicity Morris tells the story of a conman posing as a wealthy, jet-setting diamond mogul. He wooed women online then conned them out of millions of dollars. Now some victims plan for payback.

Release date

‘The Tinder Swindler’ premieres on Netflix on February 2.


“Modern love is a dangerous game in the world of online dating, and not all that glitters is gold. Notoriously known as The Tinder Swindler, he has seduced and swindled young women for millions and is a fugitive from justice in several countries. One swipe could change your life. This is the ultimate fairytale gone nightmare. Follow three women who decided it was time for payback. “

Other Details

From the makers of ‘Don’t F**ck With Cats’ and ‘The Imposter’ comes this documentary that follows three victims; Cecilie Fjellhoy, Pernilla Sjoholm and Ayleen Charlotte as they fight back against the Israeli fraudster Shimon Hayut, who conned them and other Scandinavian women.

Simon’s con operation was spread across various locations like London, Rome, Barcelona, Mykonos and Tel Aviv.


In the trailer we see the women talking about their first impression of Simon and how he tricked them into believing that he was the perfect man. Making it seem like his life depended on them, he would ask to borrow cash as he had threats against him.

As they realised that they have been conned and everything was a lie, they started receiving threatening messages. The women describe this ordeal as being nothing short of hell. The women had no idea how far this conspiracy went but when they got a chance to swindle the tinder swindler they took it.

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