My Policeman: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

My Policeman is an upcoming romantic drama film. In the 1950s in Brighton, a gay police officer named Tom marries a schoolteacher named Marion while also having an affair with Patrick, a museum curator. Their shared secret threatens to destroy them all.

Release date

My Policeman will be released on Prime Video on November 4.

Cast and creators

  • Harry Styles
  • Emma Corrin
  • Gina McKee
  • Linus Roache
  • David Dawson
  • Rupert Everett

Directed by Michael Grandage


“Tom, a policeman in 1950s Britain, falls in love with a schoolteacher on the Brighton coast. However, he soon begins a passionate same-sex affair with a museum curator, in spite of homosexuality being illegal.”

Other details

The movie is based on a book of the same name by Bethan Roberts. It will also have a limited release on October 21, 2022, before becoming available on Prime Video.


Tom, Marion and Patrick are friends. On the face of it, Tom likes Marion and asks her to marry him. They seem happy together. But as it uncovers, Tom and Patrick are in love with each other. Their forbidden love is uncovered to Marion and complicated problems follow.

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