My Name Is Vendetta: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser. trailer & more

My Name Is Vendetta is a crime thriller movie about a former mafia member and his daughter who flee from the country but continue to plan their revenge on their enemies.

Release date

My Name Is Vendetta is set to premiere on November 30 on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Alessandro Gassmann
  • Remo Girone
  • Sinja Dieks
  • Alessio Praticò
  • Gabriele Falsetta
  • Ginevra Francesconi

Directed by Cosimo Gomez


“After old enemies kill his family, a former mafia enforcer and his feisty daughter flee to Milan, where they hide out while plotting their revenge.”

Other details

The film’s main lead, Alessandro Gassmann, also starred in the popular film Transporter 2, alongside Jason Statham.


Along with the bloodshed and the chaos, a man shares how it is difficult to run away from a mafia family.


After starting a new life with his new family, a former criminal is revisited by his deadly past. With his daughter by his side, he’s forced to use go back to the old ways in a mission for survival and revenge.

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