The Elephant Whisperers: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

The wildlife documentary ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ follows an indigenous couple from south India, as they care of Raghu, an orphaned elephant.

Release date

The Elephant Whisperers will be streaming on Netflix from December 8.


Director: Kartiki Gonsalves

Writer: Priscilla Gonsalves

Producers: Guneet Monga and Achin Jain

Official synopsis

“What unravels when a tribal couple decides to foster an orphaned baby elephant? Watch how the arrival of the gentle giant Raghu, transforms the lives of his foster parents forever. ”

Other details

The short video, which has a running duration of more than 41 minutes. Popular Indian director and BAFTA nominee Guneet Monga is supporting this short film through her Sikhya Production label in collaboration with Achin Jain.


The newborn elephant Rahgu is cared for by Bomman and Bellie, an elderly tribal couple in Tamil Nadu’s Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, and the video also showcases Rahgu’s amusing behaviours.

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