Dragon Age: Absolution: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Dragon Age: Absolution is an upcoming anime series that follows Miriam, an elven mercenary who is forced to fight against the evil Imperium, and her tragic past.

Release date

Dragon Age: Absolution is set to premiere on Netflix on December 9.

Cast and creators

  • Kimberly Brooks as Miriam
  • Matt Mercer as Fairbanks
  • Ashly Burch as Qwydion
  • Sumalee Montano as Hira
  • Phil LaMarr as Roland
  • Keston John as Lacklon
  • Josh Keaton as Rezaren
  • Zehra Fazal as Tassia

Created by Mairghread Scott
Produced by Red Dog Culture House

Official synopsis

“With great power at stake, a group of rebel mages and thieves goes head-to-head against a sinister force possessing a dangerous artifact.”

Other details

Dragon Age: Absolution is based on BioWare’s video game franchise “Dragon Age”.


Miriam is an elven slave in the Tevinter Imperium who is offered a new job to steal the Circulum Infinitus, a blood magic-powered artifact.

When their heist against Tevinter’s most powerful man goes wrong, Miriam is forced to fight for her life. To save herself and her friends, she must confront the tragic past she has spent her entire life running from.

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