An American pickle, based on Simon Rich’s New Yorker novella, is a story of an immigrant worker, who falls into a vat of pickles and is brined for a hundred years. He survives and wakes up to a completely different world from the one he had left behind.
Looking for some relevance in the new Brooklyn, Seth Rogen as Herschel, goes on to find his only relative alive, his great grandson, Ben Greenbaum (also played by Rogen).
The story is about how Herschel and Ben try to accommodate each other’s lives and the difficulties faced by the century old man in adjusting to modern times. To do something worthwhile, he decides to start a pickle business again.
An American Pickle, directed by Brandon Torst is the first original film being released by the streaming service. It scheduled to premiere on August 6, 2020, on HBO Max.
Check out the trailer below:
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