Along for the Ride: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Along for the Ride is an upcoming romantic drama on Netflix starring Kate Bosworth as an insomniac teenager who gets to explore a whole new version of herself the summer before college.

Release date

Along for the Ride releases exclusively on Netflix on May 6.

Cast and creators

  • Belmont Cameli
  • Kate Bosworth
  • Samia Finnerty
  • Andie McDowell
  • Dermont Mulroney

Directed by: Sofia Alvarez

Written by: Sofia Alvarez


“The summer before college, studious Auden meets mysterious Eli, and — on nightly quests — he helps her experience the carefree teen life she was missing.”

Other details

The film is based on Sarah Dessen’s novel of the same name. It is one of four of Sarah Dessen’s novels to be optioned by Netflix for adaptations.


Auden has lived all her life focussing on school. In the summer before college, she visits her father and her step-siblings in a small seaside town. There she meets a fellow insomniac, Eli. He motivates her to do things she has never done as a quest.

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