The use of symbolism in The Last of Us

Imbued with profound meaning, The Last of Us masterfully employs symbolism to enrich its narrative, weaving a tapestry of themes that resonate far beyond the screen.

HBO’s adaptation of the acclaimed video game The Last of Us is rich with symbolism, adding depth and nuance to its post-apocalyptic narrative.

This article delves into how the show uses various symbols to enhance storytelling and convey deeper meanings.

The infected: More than monsters

In The Last of Us, the infected serve as a central symbol. Beyond their role as antagonists, they represent the consequences of humanity’s actions and the fragility of human civilization.

Clicker The Last of Us
An infected from The Last of Us

The varying stages of infection metaphorically mirror the stages of societal collapse, from initial chaos to complete ruin.

Giraffes: A glimpse of hope

One of the most poignant symbols in the series is the appearance of giraffes in a desolate city landscape.

This surreal moment, where Joel and Ellie encounter these creatures roaming free amidst urban decay, symbolizes a moment of peace and beauty in a broken world.

It represents nature’s endurance and a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair.

The broken watch: Ties to the past

Joel’s broken watch, a keepsake from his daughter, serves as a powerful symbol throughout the series.

It represents the burden of past trauma and the passage of time. The watch symbolizes Joel’s inability to move on from his loss, anchoring him to a past he cannot escape.

Fireflies: The light in darkness

The Fireflies, a rebel group in the series, are symbolically significant. Their name and the use of light in their insignia represent a beacon of hope and resistance in the oppressive world of The Last of Us.

The use of symbolism in The Last of Us 1
Kim and Marlene from the Fireflies

They embody the struggle for a better future and the flickering possibility of restoring what was lost.

The guitar: A symbol of connection

A symbol in the series is the mention of the guitar, representing the connection between Joel and Ellie.

It’s a symbol of their growing bond and Joel’s attempt to provide a semblance of normalcy and joy in Ellie’s life.

In the finale, while they are navigating through a highway, Ellie is quiet and distant, and Joel keeps trying to cheer her up.

In one of the instances, he mentions wanting to teach her how to play the guitar. The instrument is not just about music but is reflective of their relationship’s evolution and the emotional sanctuary they find in each other.

In conclusion: A story told in symbols

Through its symbolic elements, The Last of Us transcends traditional storytelling, using symbols to add layers of meaning and emotional resonance to the narrative.

Each symbol, from the infected to the giraffes, the broken watch, the Fireflies, and the guitar, contributes to a richer understanding of the characters’ journeys and the themes of the series.

HBO’s The Last of Us masterfully employs symbolism to deepen its exploration of themes such as loss, hope, resistance, and human connection, making it a storytelling masterpiece rich in both narrative and symbolic depth.

Also Read: The poignant role of children in The Last of Us

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