Papo Mejia from Griselda: Where is he now?

Papo Mejia was one of Griselda Blanco’s primary rivals in the Miami drug trade until he was killed under Blanco’s orders.

Papo Mejia was Amilcar’s cocaine supplier when Griselda attempted to make a move on his territory and he didn’t take kindly to her intrusion.

When Griselda began building a network among the high society crowd, Mejia raised concerns with Amilcar and attempted to shut her down.

He was met with resistance and couldn’t do anything about it. When the Ochoa Cartel attempts to take over the Miami business, Blanco comes up with a plan.

She tries to convince the other dealers to band together and maintain control, but they only agree when Amilcar proposes it as his idea.

After Amilcar’s arrest, Mejia takes control of the operation and completely pushes Blanco out of it.

This begins a war between the two with losses on both sides.

Getting revenge

Blanco attempted to send a message by killing German Panesso and Papo Mejia, but despite blowing up Mejia’s house, she only managed to kill his father.

In retaliation, Mejia attacked Blanco’s house and beheaded one of her closest friends and the man who killed his father.

Blanco later agreed to make peace with Mejia, but she sent one of her men to slice his head off just like he did to her friends.

That is the last mention of Mejia in the series as Blanco takes her place as the “Godmother” of the Miami drug scene.

What really happened

It has been reported that Mejia’s father was actually gunned down at a shopping mall by some of Blanco’s men during the ‘Cocaine Cowboy Wars’ of the 1980s.

She sent one of her men with a bayonet to stab Mejia at the airport rather than behead him, but he survived the attack.

Shortly after, he was arrested and sent to prison after being found guilty in the case made against him by the DEA.

He was ultimately released in 2000, but his activities beyond that are unclear. He returned to Colombia and rumors of his death have circulated but never confirmed.

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