Wilbur Evans: Geek Girl character explained

Wilbur Evans is a renowned fashion agent for Infinity Models London and he discovers Harriet Manners. Emmanuel Imani plays the character.

Wilbur Evans attends the London Fashion Week event in search of the next big thing and spots Harriet Manners there.

He turns Nat away because he doesn’t believe she has that “it” factor, but he is mesmerized by Harriet’s look.

He offers her a chance to become a model but she refuses. He does not give up and seeks her out when he hears about Yuji Lee’s latest request.

Wilbur Evans has got the style and panache needed to excel in this career but he also cares about his clients and ensures that his clients are always managed well.

Wilbur Evans: Geek Girl character explained 1
Wilbur Evans always believed that Harriet had what it took to be a model

Sticking by his gut

Despite her inexperience, Wilbur turned out to be the perfect person to guide her and he was proven right when Yuji picked her for her campaign.

He is always focused on her wellbeing and after seeing how much attention her first ramp walk is getting, he keeps it hidden so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed.

He gets along with everyone, including his boss Jude Paignton, although he is rarely afraid to speak his mind.

Wilbur has a soft spot for Nick too and helps him woo Harriet. When Poppy plays dirty, he is angry and tries to help Harriet get through it all.

After Harriet’s big gaffe, Wilbur is embarrassed but he still believes in her. After Jude replaces her with Poppy, Wilbur leaves the firm with Nick and his other clients.

He seeks out Harriet and tells her that he will stand by her as she fulfills her dream. He also has Betty to assist him throughout.

Also Read: Nick Park: Geek Girl character explained

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