Who are the dusters in Go! Go! Loser Ranger!?

Dusters, the minions of the monster army executives, continue to survive and live miserable lives after their bosses are wiped clean by the Dragon Keepers. 

Go! Go! Loser Ranger! is set in a world where a floating castle appeared and began hovering over a city out of nowhere one day. 

Out from it come the monsters who intend on invading the planet and take over. However, the five formidable fighters from the Ranger Force, called Dragon Keepers, end up containing the threat.

The status quo

They do it by defeating the big bad bosses of the monster army, leaving behind the Dusters. It is the name that’s given to the foot soldiers who are the surviving members of the invading and defeated army. 

After their bosses’ defeat, they are subjected to a miserable fate, as they’re to cooperate with the Dragon Keepers and have pretend battles with them each Sunday, in a big arena.

Dragon Keepers Go Go Loser Ranger
The Dragon Keepers

The battles are broadcast the world over and are very popular. The scripted fights draw in huge crowds and pull great viewership figures each time. The Dusters are kicked to the curb each time and the Dragon Keepers emerge victorious.

The format is exactly like entertainment wrestling, where the Dusters are always playing the heels/villains. They exist to help the Dragon Keepers keep hogging all the glory each week.

Dusters’ powers

Dusters get their name from the fact that the usage of their powers entails them dusting away or becoming a whole self from dispersed dust particles. 

One beats them, slashes them, decapitates them, shoots them, explodes them, or does anything drastic enough to confirm they would be dead for good, and they still can’t end them. 

Dusters have incredible regenerative powers and that is the reason why they are able to piece themselves together even after getting hit by anything and disintegrating into millions and billions of particles. 

They can also use their powers to mimic others, some of them even being able to mimic humans, to a scarily accurate degree. 

Also Read: Footsoldier D: Go! Go! Loser Ranger! character explained

Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh is an editor at The Envoy Web, and when not writing about films and shows, he's busy attending to a perpetually growing and an all-genre-encompassing binge list.

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