Vrinda Shrivastav: Asur season 2 character explained

In Asur season 2, Vrinda Shrivastav is one of those who survived the poisoning at Trilok Dham, Haridwar, along with Shubh. Barkha Bisht plays Vrinda.

To track Shubh down, DJ digs into Shubh’s past, which brings him to Trilok Dham, Haridwar, at Swami Vishuddhananda’s monastery. According to a sage at the monastery, Shubh disappeared after a tragic incident there.

The poisoning of the water at the monastery caused the deaths of all the followers. Only Shubh and a woman named Vrinda Shrivastav managed to survive. DJ next goes to meet Vrinda, who now works at Navkar Kala Kendra in Delhi. He assumes that she probably knows Shubh well, considering that she spent time with him and was spared.

Vrinda’s belief in Shubh

DJ meets Vrinda at Navkar Kala Kendra. It turns out that she is blind. She is also an artist who dedicates her life to sculpting beautiful statues. Vrinda’s words clearly suggest that she admires Shubh.

Vrinda likes to think that her relationship with Shubh is like the one female cowherds had with Lord Krishna. She reveals that Shubh influenced her a lot and made her believe in herself again.

Vrinda Shrivastav: Asur season 2 character explained 1
Vrinda tells DJ about Shubh’s dreams

Vrinda says she hasn’t contacted Shubh since he suddenly left after the incident at Swami Vishuddhananda’s monastery. All she has of him now are some books and poems.

When she is told the truth about Shubh, she immediately denies everything and asks DJ to leave. However, Vrinda eventually helps DJ. The only problem is, even when she is helping DJ, she thinks this is what Shubh wants her to do.

Has Vrinda replaced Shubh?

When Shubh is caught, before being killed by Nikhil, he expresses that Kali will continue to live on. Kali will never live in one body. For Kali, every end is a new beginning. If Kali won’t live inside his body, he will find someone else’s.

DJ visits Vrinda and finds her missing at Navkar Kala Kendra. DJ discovers her painting of Kali, which suggests that she has probably replaced Shubh and is now seeking to accomplish what he couldn’t.

Also Read: Asur season 2 summary and ending explained

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