Thomas: Good Grief character explained

Thomas is one of Marcus’ best friends and has a well-worn history with him. The character is played by Himesh Patel.

When Thomas attends Marcus and Oliver’s holiday party, he is in a not-so-fulfilling relationship with someone named Alistair.

He spends the party admiring other people’s relationships and is waiting for Alistair to break up with him because he isn’t invested anymore.

Thomas also runs an art gallery and often asks Marcus to get back into painting so that he can display the work.

He moves in with Marcus after Oliver’s death to give him company and moral support during a difficult time.

Thomas: Good Grief character explained 1
Thomas and Marcus are always there for each other

Not having it all figured out

Thomas and Alistair eventually split up, but Thomas isn’t over him just yet. Even a year later, he is hung up on his ex-partner.

He suggests going to a warehouse art show that doubles up as a party, and they all attend. It is being hosted by Alistair, who shows up with a new boyfriend.

This leaves Thomas very dejected about his romantic pursuits. When they head over to Paris, Sophie attempts to set him up with her date’s friend.

Sophie initially set up Thomas and Marcus together, but they broke up after dating for a year and remained friends.

They even lived together for 6 months before they decided it wasn’t working.

Thomas is frustrated with the way Sophie and Marcus have been behaving in Paris and he eventually blows up on them.

He had to take care of Sophie and worried about her after she disappeared while Marcus enjoyed his time with Theo.

While they are on the Ferris wheel, he admits that he wishes that he was the one that people went after instead of just being an afterthought.

He accepts that he’s very insecure about himself and goes back early to work on himself. Sophie later convinces him to get on the dating apps which Marcus agrees is a huge step.

During Marcus’ gallery showing, Thomas arrives with Ben, introducing the new man as his ‘boyfriend’.

Also Read: Good Grief (2024) ending explained: Does Marcus get over Oliver?

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