Scrappy: Velma character explained

Scrappy is a supersoldier created by Project S.C.O.O.B.I. who goes rogue. Jason Mantzoukas voices the character.

Dan tells Velma that the army created a super soldier using Edna Purdue’s research but he doesn’t reveal the identity of the soldier.

After connecting the dots on the clues she found during their investigation, Velma concludes that the super soldier is a dog.

That is when their bus is attacked and she is dragged away by Scrappy, the result of Project S.C.O.O.B.I.

Scrappy reveals himself and tries to claim that he is being framed.

A failed experiment

Scrappy was created using Edna’s research to continue Project S.C.O.O.B.I. in a new direction.

He was made in the image of a mascot and programmed with popular catchphrases to fit in with the meddling kids of the generation.

They also made him invincible. Gigi’s father didn’t like Scrappy and he got his name as a portmanteau of ‘shitty’ and ‘crappy’.

When Scrappy started making the others at the base uncomfortable, his mission was shut down but he escaped before he could be decommissioned.

He started killing everyone involved in the project and then tried to convince Velma that he was being framed.

He is then caught in Velma’s trap, but he has a contingency plan involving his brain going into one of the girls’ bodies so that he can escape.

Sophie stayed to help him throughout everything because she was deeply afraid of him. When his plan fails, Scrappy is out for blood, but he is ultimately stopped by Velma’s ghost.

Also Read: Edna Purdue: Velma character explained

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