Oddballs season 2 ending explained: Is Toasty dead?

Oddballs season 2 follows James and his two best mates Max and Echo, on a series of new quests and misadventures.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary

Oddballs season 2 begins with James taking it upon himself to show the lemming people (“Plemmings”, as Max calls it), that they will get on the bandwagon of anything if it has enough hype around it.

He creates a musical about a rapping Benjamin Franklin, but his serious intentions are understandably misinterpreted as slapstick comedy, making him flip out at the audience and lose the bet he had made with Echo.

Next up on the catalog of misadventures is the assignment wherein Mr. McFly asks students to pair up and take care of their babies, which are boxes of flour. Knowing well that James is about to mess this up too, Max bails on him and pairs up with Acorn, much to James’s stupefied self.

While Max and James eventually patch things up between them, McFly, who had made a fake promise of awarding the class a pizza party, sabotages Max’s “baby.” He does get caught red-handed and later on has to empty his pockets and make good on his promise.

James hates the school bus and opts for the golf cart he finds in the dump instead, naming it “Dumpy”, and enjoying the popularity that it brings to him. However, the carpooling gets to him in no time, and after Dumpy ends up getting destroyed, he and Max are back on the school bus.

Standing up to Stuart earns James an invite to a fight after school, which he dreads a lot as he tries using Echo’s body swap technology. However, this results in whole another can of worms and by the end of the whole fiasco, James gets a beating, but from a source most unexpected.

Up next is a battle between James, who’s mistaken as a substitute teacher when he steals candies from the teacher’s staff room, and Mr. McFly, who’s rubbed the wrong way that a newbie is taking all the spotlight he grinds so hard for, only to have never gotten it himself.

James’s next quest is an oral report he didn’t prepare for at all. When the stakes attached to the assignment get a bit too high, he comes up with a whole spiel of a lost treasure, triggering a town-wide hunt.

Thereafter, James gets working to have Max become the new Mayor of Dirt, only to attract the fury of the former mayor — a cute puppy who harbors a whole lot of malice, and a desire for vengeance.

Another one with a quest for revenge is Toasty, who’s returned all juiced up, with an advanced exoskeleton, a new name, and a lot of resentment for James and Max. His estranged father manages to win him over, twice, only to have him explode when Max inserts a circular bread inside him.

Oddballs season 2 ends with James taking the chip of sentience from the toaster to a waffle maker, naming the new diabolical appliance “Waffly”, while Echo kicks a future traveler with a warning back into the future.

Oddballs season 2 ending explained:

What happens to Toasty?

Toasty explodes at the end of Oddballs season 2 after Max puts a circular bread inside him, a shape he absolutely detests. Toasty has come around to accepting him and James by that point but it’s too late, and the Toasty arc ends on a classic subversive gag.

Toasty went through the wringer after James and Max threw him in the dump and he’s back in season 2 with his teenage, freckled, and rebellious phase, hellbent on exacting revenge on his fathers.

He tries to take James out a couple of times but at the end of their final battle, he changes his ways and calms down, embracing James as Max, oblivious of Toasty’s character development, puts a circular bread inside him, making him explode.

Is Waffley the reincarnation of Toasty?

While it seems that Toasty is gone, the chip that gave him sentience survives, which James takes out of the damaged body and puts inside a waffle maker.

The new appliance becomes sentient and a pair of evil-looking eyes appear on him as he greets James and Max, who can’t help but be giddy about their new kid, and name him “Waffly.”

It’s unclear if Waffly has the same consciousness as Toasty or not since it is very much possible that it’s a whole new sentient appliance that has the same intelligence as Toasty but a whole new person and with no memories of the previous bearer of the sentient chip.

What will James destroy in the future?

Echo keeps warning James that he’d contribute to the end of the world, as she tries her best to save it. She’s also committed to saving processed food from vanishing in the future, but her efforts bear no fruit because of James.

At the end of Oddballs season 2 finale, after Max and James take off with Waffly, a portal appears and a time traveler from the future pokes their head in and introduces themselves.

Harmony has traveled back in time with a warning. As Harmony is about to explain what James is about to destroy in the future, Echo steps in and abruptly cuts the revelation short and kicks Harmony back into the portal, expressing her hate for spoilers.

So while it might not be clear what James’s future mess-up is, it’s clear that the future of Oddballs entails a lot of chaos.

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