In Supersex, Lucia is the village darling of Ortona, whom Tomasso marries. Jasmine Trinca plays Lucia, while Eva Cela plays the younger version of the character.
Back in 1974, Lucia is the most desired girl in Ortona, the town Rocco and his brothers grow up in. Unlike other villagers, Lucia is more open-minded.
She is, more or less, the town’s beauty queen. Rocco says that all the girls talked about her and all the boys dreamed about her, but no one could have her.
Dating Lucia automatically makes Tomasso a hero in everyone’s eyes. While Rocco looks up to his brother, he is also pretty attracted to Lucia.
Lucia is forward-thinking, but being that way has downsides in the town of Ortona. Everyone questions her character, and Carmela even advises Tomasso to stay away from her.
Rocco does see Lucia with someone else, but Tomasso isn’t able to handle the news. Despite everything, he marries Lucia and moves to Paris.
Life with Tomasso
In Paris, Tomasso and Lucia’s lives are far from anything that looks like a dream. Tomasso makes Lucia work as a sex worker to make money. According to Tomasso, a woman needs to bring in the cash if she is in love with you.
Rocco worries about Lucia and is there for her when she needs him. Even though he is attracted to her, he never crosses the line, as he respects his brother.
Tomasso doesn’t like it when he sees his brother with his wife. He accuses his brother of having an affair with his wife.
Lucia eventually gets pregnant with a baby boy, hoping things will improve with time. Tomasso does celebrate the arrival of their son, whom he names Claudio.
However, Tomasso keeps questioning whether the baby is even his, and when Lucia finds him on top of their building with their baby, she brings her baby to safety and ends things with Tomasso.
Moving on
Lucia moves into Jean Claude’s home. Tomasso once used to hang out with Jean Claude. Jean Claude doesn’t ask Lucia to love him; he wants her to be practical.
Lucia moves on and decides to marry Jean Claude. It is rumored that Tomasso killed himself by jumping into a river, but a returning and destroyed Tomasso comes to stop her, intending to use a gun to do so.
Lucia takes one look at Tomasso and confesses that she knew Tomasso wasn’t dead because her heart would have stopped.
At the last minute, Tomasso is not able to pull the trigger. He runs away and meets his end when he possibly shoots himself using the same gun.
Also Read: Tomasso’s arc in Supersex explained