Linda: Doctor Climax character explained

In Doctor Climax, Linda falls in love with Nat but later finds out that he is a married man. Arachaporn Pokinpakorn plays Linda.

Linda is an art director at Bangkok Express, the newspaper Nat starts writing a column for. Nat is attracted to Linda from the first time they meet. 

It is Linda’s challenge that persuades Nat to agree to write the column. It is also Linda who decides to publish his column under the pen name of Doctor Climax.

Linda’s relationship with Nat

Nat’s identity has to be kept a secret due to backlash from conservatives about the nature of his column. 

Choosak decides it is too risky to let Nat work in the main building, so he moves him to the adjacent building where the art department works. 

Nat and Linda not only share an office, but Linda also helps Nat with his work. Nat starts liking Linda, who is bold and confident, very unlike his wife.

Initially, Linda assumes that Nat is gay because he keeps avoiding answering questions related to homosexuality. She stops doubting his sexuality when he starts sleeping with her. 

Nat has an affair with Linda but hides the fact that he is married. He mistakes her independence and liberal approach to sex for promiscuity. 

Doctor Climax Linda
Linda confronts Nat about lying to her

Eventually, Linda develops feelings for him, only to find out that Nat is married and has been lying to her all this time. 

Instead of apologizing, Nat justifies his actions by suggesting that Linda is a loose woman, which breaks Linda’s heart.

Linda tries to move on

It is revealed that Linda’s father raped her mother, who was blamed by her father’s family for seducing him. Due to this, Linda hates men who cheat on their wives.

As Linda struggles to deal with heartbreak, she goes to Hat Yai to stay with her mother for a week. Nat follows her there. 

He apologizes to Linda and admits that he misses her and cannot work without her. Linda agrees to return to work, but she wants Nat to help his wife, Tukta.

Although Linda does not believe in the concept of family, she refuses to break one, so she makes it clear that she will not be sleeping with him again.

After returning, Linda helps save Sangjaan’s life, but Pol getting shot leaves her shaken, which leads to her quitting her job.

She then finds out that she is pregnant with Nat’s child. While Linda maintains her resolve to keep her distance from Nat, he comes to her house to confess his love for her. 

Nat has tried and failed to go back to his life as it was. Linda made his life enjoyable and worthwhile. She changed him, and now he cannot live without her.

Linda then hesitates in her decision to have an abortion. This choice is difficult for Linda, who is usually strong when facing her challenges.

She decides to tell Nat about her pregnancy. However, the news worries Nat. His reaction leads to Linda informing him that she is having an abortion. 

As Linda walks away from Nat with a heavy heart, she runs into someone named Khomson, who might change her decision.

Also Read: Doctor Climax summary and ending explained

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