Hernán: Raising Voices character explained

Hernán learns about consent after losing Alma as a friend. In Raising Voices, Daniel de Lorenzo plays Hernán.

Apart from Nata, who spends most of her time with Alberto, Hernán is Alma’s only friend at school. They frequently meet with a group of friends, not from their school, at a local park to smoke weed. 

Alma and Hernán share their likes and dislikes and look out for each other until Hernán’s actions cost them their friendship.

Taking advantage of a friend

Alma and Greta attend a party for which David arranged passes. At the party, Alma is left heartbroken after getting rejected by David.

Hernán is also at the party. He approaches Alma when she is alone. Alma, who wants to distance herself from David and Greta, asks him to take her to his house.

Despite knowing that Alma is intoxicated and heartbroken, Hernán does not take her home as he should have; instead, he brings her to his house.

Alma sleeps with Hernán, believing it will make her feel better. However, she soon realizes she does not want this, but she is too intoxicated to stop it.

Alma then has to deal with the fact that the act was not entirely consensual, leaving her feeling hurt and embarrassed, and unable to talk to anyone about it.

Soon after, she starts receiving pornographic pictures from someone, leading her to suspect Hernán, whom she no longer trusts.

Alma and Hernán’s friendship comes to an end after the incident. Eventually, Alma and Greta confront him in front of his park friends.

Greta points out how Hernán had always wanted to sleep with Alma and how he took advantage of her vulnerability.

However, Hernán, who believes he was doing Alma a favor, insists that he was merely doing what Alma asked of him and refuses to acknowledge his mistake.

In fact, he accuses Alma of taking advantage of him, citing her abrupt departure the following morning. This results in Hernán being ostracized by his friend group.

Raising Voices Hernán
Alma confronts Hernán

Learning and growing

It takes Hernán some time to accept the fact that he took advantage of Alma and realize that as a good friend, he should have taken her home that night. 

Eventually, he acknowledges his mistake and begins attending group therapy to learn about consent and become a better person. 

He apologizes to Alma, and they reconcile. Soon after, Alma gets suspended for a few days after she confronts a bully.

Earlier, Alma had checked Hernán’s phone to find out if he was the one sending her pornographic pictures. 

As Hernán knows that the pictures were sent from the same account that posted the pictures that Nata took of Alma, he figures out it is Alberto’s doing and informs Alma.

Furthermore, when Alma protests against their history teacher, who has been sexually assaulting young girls, Hernán supports her. 

He and his friends are among the first students to join the protest, which shows Hernán’s growth as a person and a friend.

Also Read: Greta: Raising Voices character explained

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