Hazuki’s divorce in My Happy Marriage explained

Hazuki Kudo has been a figure of grace and warmth in My Happy Marriage ever since her arrival. The latest episode sees her talking about the not-so-warm parts of her life.

Hazuki Kudo is Kiyoka’s older sister and the two have had a great relationship all their lives, as revealed by Kiyoka himself.

Now that her brother has finally found a fiancée suitable for him and one who he really loves, Hazuki has all her heart to give to Miyo.

She teaches Miyo the etiquette of a lady after the former asks Kiyoka to let her learn how to be a lady. Hazuki has turned out to be the ideal teacher, with not only her competence but also her kindness helping Miyo significantly.

Miyo is often mesmerized by Hazuki, impressed by her candor and how she carries herself like a proper lady. However, not all is glitter and gold in Hazuki’s life, as she later reveals to Miyo, talking about her failed marriage.

A young bride

Hazuki Kudo was only 17 years old when she was married to. She was born a Kudo so it was a political marriage. However, her husband was kind and a good man.

She tells Miyo that she was truly happy but the happiness didn’t last long. While her husband was good to her, Hazuki never got along well with his family. She says she was immature at that time and basic chores weren’t her strong suit.

Hazuki Kudo marriage My Happy Marriage
Hazuki Kudo as a young bride (Image source: Netflix)

What she was able to offer them, was a pretty far-off version of the ideal wife of their vision. Normally, her husband would be the one to comfort her, but on one occasion, that didn’t happen.

While taking things out on each other during an emotional moment, the two got into a big fight, after which they decided to divorce.

The great regret

Following the divorce, she went back to her parents’ house and when composure dawned on her, she also got hit with a wave of regret.

Hazuki Kudo tells Miyo that this divorce is one of her biggest regrets in life, so much so that she detests dragging up the past and talking about it.

She reveals that after getting hit with regret, she still couldn’t just go back as there was an array of things to consider, and by the end, she felt she had lost a lot and that she didn’t try as hard as she should have.

This lack of trying hard is precisely what she regrets the most in life, and it’s also why she admires Miyo so much. She says that Miyo doesn’t make excuses or run away from the things she’s not good at.

Also Read: Hazuki Kudo: My Happy Marriage character explained

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