Greta: Raising Voices character explained

Greta is Alma’s best friend, who supports her through thick and thin. In Raising Voices, Clara Galle plays Greta.

Greta and Alma have been friends for a long time. They both attended the same school until Greta’s parents lost their jobs and could no longer afford the private school tuition. 

Greta and Alma had always been inseparable, so the news that Greta would have to change schools was quite saddening for them. 

They made a promise to never let each other be alone and to stay together forever, a promise they have yet to break.

A friend like no other

Although Greta flirts with Alma all the time, the two of them do not have any romantic feelings for each other. In fact, Greta encourages Alma to date her brother, David, whom Alma likes.

When Alma sneaks out to attend a party with Greta, Greta covers for her by lying to Alma’s parents, a decision she later regrets when Alma goes missing and Greta spends the night searching for her.

Alma returns home safely and tells Greta that she simply got lost, but Greta, who knows Alma well, does not believe her. 

She begins reaching out to people who attended the party. She questions them about Alma to uncover the truth.

Greta, suspecting that Alma may have been assaulted that night, writes a letter to Alma, assuring her that she is not alone and that she can confide in her. 

Raising Voices Greta
Alma confides in Greta

Greta continues to show Alma her support until Alma feels comfortable enough to reveal that Hernán took advantage of her. Greta then accompanies Alma to confront Hernán.

Greta never stops looking out for and supporting Alma, even after Alma moves on from the incident, standing by her side when no one else does.

Greta’s misjudgements

Since Greta’s parents lost their jobs, her brother has been growing weed in their cellar to support the family. 

Greta’s family has tried to keep her away from their illegal business, but Greta has been just as affected as everyone else in her family. 

One day, Greta meets an older woman named Mer and starts liking her. She keeps visiting the store where they first met, hoping to see her again. 

They do cross paths again, and Greta finds out that Mer buys weed. Greta offers to sell weed to Mer just to keep seeing her regularly. 

As Greta spends time with Mer every week, she grows close to her. It is then that she finds out that Mer is a Guardia Civil and may have set her up to catch David. 

Greta’s family has to clean up their basement to avoid arrest, and Greta blames herself for the mess. 

To protect herself and her brother, Greta, who is a minor, decides to meet Mer again and sleep with her to be able to blackmail her. 

Greta then comes to know that Mer was not investigating her or her brother. She likes Greta just as much as Greta likes her, and that is why she meets her every week. 

Mer decides to stop seeing Greta when she discovers her intention to blackmail her. However, Greta is not prepared to lose Mer.

Greta apologizes to Mer and tells her that she is willing to wait to date her; Greta will turn eighteen in a few months. Mer and Greta then give their relationship a second chance.

Also Read: David: Raising Voices character explained

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